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Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints
Table of Contents
Tkinter GUI Application Development Blueprints
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1. Meet Tkinter
Objectives of this chapter
Installing Python and Tkinter
Importing Tkinter
GUI programming – the big picture
The root window – your drawing board
Widgets – the building blocks of GUI programs
Some important widget features
Ways to create widgets
Getting to know the core Tkinter widgets
Adding widgets to a parent window
The Tkinter geometry manager
The pack geometry manager
The grid geometry manager
The place geometry manager
Events and callbacks – adding life to programs
Command binding
Passing arguments to callbacks
Limitations of the command option
Event binding
Event patterns
The levels of binding
Handling widget-specific variables
Event unbinding and virtual events
Doing it in style
Specifying styles
Some common root window options
Getting interactive help
2. Making a Text Editor
Objectives of the chapter
An overview of the chapter
Setting up the editor skeleton
Adding a menu and menu items
Adding menu items
Implementing the View menu
Adding a built-in functionality
Indexing and tagging
Implementing the Select All feature
Implementing the Find Text feature
Types of Toplevel windows
Working with forms and dialogs
Working with message boxes
The icons toolbar and View menu functions
Displaying the line number
Adding the cursor information bar
Adding themes
Creating the context/pop-up menu
3. Programmable Drum Machine
An overview of the chapter
Module requirements for the chapter
Setting up the GUI in OOP
Finalizing the data structure
Creating broader visual elements
Defining getter and setter methods
The number of units and beats per unit features
Loading drum samples
Playing the drum machine
Initializing pygame
Playing complete patterns
Determining the tempo of a rhythm
Tkinter and threading
Tkinter and thread safety
Support for multiple beat patterns
Saving beat patterns
Working with ttk-themed widgets
4. A Game of Chess
An overview of the chapter
Module requirements for this chapter
Structuring our program
Modeling the data structures
Convention on naming chess pieces
Convention for naming locations on the chessboard
Creating a Piece class
Displaying chess pieces on the chessboard
Defining rules for the chess pieces
Rules for the King, Queen, Rook, and Bishop
Rules for a Knight
Rules for a Pawn
The movement validation of chess pieces
Tracking all the available moves
Finding out the current position of the King
Checking whether the King is in check
Making the game functional
Getting the source and destination position
Collecting a list of the moves that need to be highlighted
Highlighting allowed moves
Pre move validation
Recording a move in the data structure
Keep game statistics
Managing user preferences
5. Building an Audio Player
An overview of the chapter
External library requirements
The pyglet module
PMW Tkinter extension
Program structure and broadview skeleton
Deciding the data structure
Creating the Player class
Adding and removing items from a playlist
Adding a single audio file
Removing the selected files from a playlist
Adding all files from a directory
Emptying the playlist
Playing audio and adding audio controls
Adding the play/stop function
Adding the pause/unpause function
Adding the mute/unmute function
Fast forward/rewind function
Adding the next track/previous track function
Adding the volume change function
Creating a seek bar
One-time updates during audio playback
Managing continuous updates
Looping over tracks
Adding a tooltip
PMW list of extensions
6. Paint Application
Creating a tiny framework
Setting up a broad GUI structure
Dealing with mouse events
Adding toolbar buttons
Drawing items on the canvas
Adding a color palette
Adding top bar options for draw methods
Drawing irregular lines and super shapes
Drawing irregular lines
Drawing super shapes
Adding functionality to the remaining buttons
Adding functionality to menu items
7. Multiple Fun Projects
Chapter objectives
Building a screen saver
Building a Snake game
Creating a Weather Reporter
A simple socket demo
Building a port scanner
Building a chat application
Creating a phone book application
Creating a new record
Reading from the database
Updating records
Deleting records
Graphing with Tkinter
3D graphics with Tkinter
8. Miscellaneous Tips
Chapter objectives
Tracing Tkinter variables
Widget traversal
Validating user input
Key validation mode demo
Focus out validation mode demo
Formatting widget data
More on fonts
Finer control over font
Building a font selector
Redirecting the command-line output to Tkinter
The class hierarchy of Tkinter
Tips for program design
The model-first policy versus the code-first policy
Separating the model from the view
Selecting the right data structure
Naming variables and methods
The Single Responsibility Principle
Loose coupling
Handling errors and exceptions
Tips for program optimization
Using filter and map
Optimize variables
Profiling your program
Other optimization tips
Distributing a Tkinter application
Other freezing tools
The limitations of Tkinter
A limited number of core widgets
Non-Python objects
No support for printing
No support for newer image formats
Inactive development community
Alternatives to Tkinter
Other options
Tkinter in Python 2.x