


Wabi Sabi Love电子书

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作       者:Ford, Arielle

出  版  社:HarperElixir


字       数:25.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Love. It right up there with air, food, and water as the most necessary of ingredients for existence. And yet it is one of the hardest things to find, and perhaps an even harder thing to hold on to. The truth is you’re not perfect, and neither is your partner. But you can be perfectly imperfect together. In Wabi Sabi Love , international bestselling author and relationship expert Arielle Ford applies the wisdom of Wabi Sabi the ancient Japanese idea of illuminating the beauty in imperfection to love relationships. Wabi Sabi Love is the practice of exploring, embracing, and cherishing the quirks, irritations, and limitations that make you and your partner unique and that form your shared history as a couple. Wabi Sabi Love provides the tools to see yourself, your partner, and your partnership in an entirely new light, develop a deep and profound appreciation for each other, and experience more balance, harmony, and joy in your relationship than ever before. Wabi Sabi Love teaches you to: turn conflict into connection and differences into mutual passions move from “annoyed” to “enjoyed” establish new beliefs and habits that better serve your relationship cultivate humor, humility, and generosity to diffuse those moments when you would normally retreat or slip into tired judgments, criticisms, or resentments Using real-life stories of couples who applied Wabi Sabi and found their relationships transformed, Wabi Sabi Love can revolutionize your relationship whether you’re navigating financial challenges, raising children, caring for aging parents, coping with a seemingly insurmountable betrayal, or just facing mundane frustrations and everyday stressors. By shifting the focus from what wrong to what right, Wabi Sabi Love reveals a pathway to true love and your happily ever after.


What Is Wabi Sabi?


Foreword—Gay Hendricks


Chapter 1: Growing a Generous Heart

Chapter 2: From Annoyed to Enjoyed

Chapter 3: Wabi Sabi Choices

Chapter 4: Humor and Humility

Chapter 5: The Yin and Yang of Deeper Love

Chapter 6: It’s Never Too Late

Chapter 7: Intimacy as Into Me See

Chapter 8: Wabi Sabi Oneness

Chapter 9: The Personal Art of Happiness

Afterword: Behind the Scenes with Brian Hilliard and Arielle Ford



About the Author



Books by Arielle Ford

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