


The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps电子书

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作       者:Tony Buzan

出  版  社:Harper Thorsons


字       数:159.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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This book is the definitive guide to Mind Mapping. Tony Buzan has changed the lives of millions with Mind Maps, his revolutionary system of note-taking that will help you excel in every area of your life. This practical full-colour book shows how this incredible thinking tool works and how you can use it to achieve your full potential. The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps will help you: ? Come up with brilliant ideas ? Find inspired solutions to any problem ? Create more time for yourself ? Set goals and achieve them ? Motivate yourself and others ? Remember anything you want when you want Colour illustrated throughout, this definitive guide is packed full of examples of amazing thinking tools and practical Mind Map examples, including running a meeting, preparing for an interview, starting up a new venture, planning family events, shopping for gifts, designing a garden, getting fit, and writing a speech for a wedding. It can even help you plan your ideal future!

Title Page




List of Mind Maps


Chapter One: What Is a Mind Map?

How Can Mind Maps Help You?

The Great Geniuses and Note-making

Mind Mappers in History

What Do You Need to Make a Mind Map?

Seven Steps to Making a Mind Map

Creating Your First Mind Map

Mind Maps in Action

Chapter Two: Know Your Brain, Unlock Your Potential

How Well Do You Know Your Brain?

Our Evolving Knowledge of Our Evolving Brains

The Brain Principle of Synergy

The Learning Principle of Repetition

Mind Maps: Brain Tool Extraordinaire

Chapter Three: The Ultimate Success Formula

Learning How to Learn

The Success Formula – TEFCAS

The Principle of Success

The Principle of Persistence

Mind Maps and TEFCAS

Chapter Four: Mind Workouts for Mental Success

How Can I Boost My Creativity?

Mind Maps for Creative Thinking

Advanced Creative Mind Mapping

Creativity and Memory

Memorizing Information from a Mind Map

Repetition and Memory

The Importance of Study Breaks

Creativity Is the Key to Mental Success

Chapter Five: Physical Fitness for Mental Power

The New Science of Body and Mind

General Physical Fitness

Feed Your Body, Feed Your Mind

Rest, Sleep, and Your Brain

Mind Map Motivator

Chapter Six: Mind Maps for Everyday Success

Mind Maps for Work

Running a meeting

Job interview

Writing an essay

Starting a new venture


Mind Maps for Your Social Life

Shopping for gifts

A romantic weekend

Learning a foreign language

Your daughter’s wedding

Designing your garden

Mind Maps for Life

Planning family events

Planning a budget

Creative problem solving

Life vision and purpose

Creating your ideal future



Other Books by Tony Buzan


About the Publisher

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