


Android 6 Essentials电子书

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作       者:Yossi Elkrief

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:58.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Design, build, and create your own applications using the full range of features available in Android 6 About This Book Learn how to utilize the robust features of Android 6 to design, develop, and publish better Android applications Get useful guidance on creating new apps or migrating existing apps to support features such as app permissions, app links, fingerprint authentication, etc A fast paced guide, packed with hands-on examples that ties all the features such as API, audio, video, camera, tab customization together under a single cover Who This Book Is For This book is for Android developers who are looking to move their applications into the next Android version with ease. What You Will Learn Familiarize yourself with the features of Android 6 Code with the new Android permissions model Use apps auto backup and restore lost data automatically Increase user engagement with apps through an assistant using triggers and providing contextual assistance Assess and handle proper usage of the API Work with Audio, Video,Camera in Android 6 Utilize the new features in Android for professional purposes Understand and code Chrome’s custom tabs In Detail Android 6 is the latest and greatest version of the Android operating system, and comes packed with cutting edge new features for you to harness for the benefit of building better applications. This step-by-step guide will take you through the basics of the Android Marshmallow permissions model and beyond into other crucial areas such as the Audio,Video,Camera API and Android’s at work features. Learn how to create, deploy, and manage Android applications with Marshmallow’s API and the latest functionalities. The combination of instructions and real-world examples will make your application deployment and testing a breeze. Style and approach This easy-to-follow, step-by-step tutorial provides explanations and examples to add the new Android 6 features to your skill set. Each chapter provides sequential steps and detailed information about the API, as well as best practices and testing options.

Android 6 Essentials

Table of Contents

Android 6 Essentials


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1. Android Marshmallow Permissions

An overview of Android permissions


Permission group definitions

Permissions that imply feature requirements

Viewing the permissions for each app

Understanding Android Marshmallow permissions

An overview

Permission groups

Runtime permissions

Taking coding permissions into account

Testing permissions

Coding for runtime permissions

Best practices and usage notes

Minimalism is a great option

Asking for too many permissions at once

Honesty can be a great policy

Need support handling runtime permissions?

Some permissions are normal and safer to use


2. App Links

The Android Intent system

Creating a website association

Why this file?

Triggering app link verification

App link settings and management

Testing app links

Checking manifest and listing domains

The Digital Asset Links API

Testing our intent

Checking policies using adb


3. Apps' Auto Backup

An overview

Data backup configuration

Including or excluding data

The backup configuration syntax

Opting out from app data backup

Backup configuration testing

Setting backup logs

Testing the backup phase

Testing the restore phase


Important bytes

What to exclude from the backup

BackupAgent and backup events


4. Changes Unfold

Power-saving modes

The Doze mode

What happens to apps when a device is dozing?

Testing apps with Doze mode

The App Standby mode

What happens to apps when in the App Standby mode?

Testing apps with the App Standby mode

Excluded apps and settings


Removable storage adoption

Apache HTTP client removal


Text selection

Support library notice

Android Keystore changes

Wi-Fi and networking changes


Hardware identifier

APK validation

USB connection

Direct Share

What if we have nothing to share?

Direct Share best practices

Voice interactions

The Assist API

Bluetooth API Changes

Bluetooth stylus support

Improved Bluetooth low energy scanning


5. Audio, Video, and Camera Features

Audio features

Support for the MIDI protocol


Digital audio capture and playback

Audio and input devices

Information on audio devices

Changes in AudioManager

Video features



Why do we need to know this?


Camera features

The flashlight API

The reprocessing API



Changes in the camera service


6. Android for Work

Behavioral changes

The work profile contacts display option

Wi-Fi configuration options

The Wi-Fi configuration lock

Work Policy Controller addition

DevicePolicyManager changes

Single-use device improvements

Silently installing/uninstalling apps

Improved certificate access

Automatic system updates

Third-party certificate installation

Data usage statistics

Managing runtime permissions

VPN access and display

Work profile status


7. Chrome Custom Tabs

What is a Chrome custom tab?

What is WebView?

Customization options

When to use Chrome custom tabs

The implementation guide

Can we use Chrome custom tabs?

Custom UI and tab interaction

The custom action button

Configuring a custom menu

Configuring custom enter and exit animations

Chrome warm-up

Connecting to the Chrome service

Warming up the browser process

Creating a new tab session

Setting the prefetching URL

Custom tabs connection callback


8. Authentication

The Fingerprint authentication API

How do we use fingerprint authentication?

Setting up for testing

Credentials' Grace Period

Cleartext network traffic

So, what do we do with the cleartext network traffic flag?



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