


On the Rocks电子书

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作       者:Duffy, Erin

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:44.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A funny, bittersweet, yet heartwarming novel about friendship, family, and finding love in the Facebook age—not to mention the perils, pitfalls, and dubious pleasures of life as a modern young single woman—from Erin Duffy, the author of the acclaimed Bond GirlEver since she was a little girl, Abby Wilkes dreamed of her wedding, the day when she'd wear a pretty white dress and look like a princess. . . .But that was before her life fell apart for the entire world to see. Her longtime boyfriend-turned-fiancé, Ben, unceremoniously dumped her—changing his status to single on Facebook—while she was trying on the most gorgeous Vera Wang dress for the big day. Six months and twenty pounds later, the usual remedies—cupcakes, a freezer stocked with pints of Ben and Jerry's, sweatpants, and a comfy couch—haven't worked their magic. Worried about her best friend, Grace devises the perfect plan to get Abby back on her game. The two of them are going to escape sweltering Boston and its reminders of Ben and head to Newport for the summer. In a quaint rented cottage by the sea, the girls will enjoy cool breezes, cocktails, and crowds of gorgeous men. But no matter which way they turn, Abby and Grace discover that in this era of social media—when seemingly everyone is preserving every last detail of their lives online and prying eyes are everywhere—there is no real escape. Truth to tell, dating has never been easy. But now that the rules have changed and the boundaries are blurred beyond recognition, will they ever find true loveAnd if they do, how can romance stand a chance when a girl's every word and move can go viral with a single clickAs the summer winds down to Labor Day, Abby will make some surprising discoveries—about love, men, friendship . . . and, most important, herself.



Chapter 1 - Just Like Instant Cookie Mix, but Slightly More Expensive

Chapter 2 - I Thought He Was the Love of My Life . . . and He Thought I Was a Sock

Chapter 3 - Petty Thieves with Eating Disorders

Chapter 4 - Khaki Folders

Chapter 5 - Damaged Goods

Chapter 6 - This Is Like Zagat’s—No One Gets a Perfect Score

Chapter 7 - If You Can’t Join ’Em, Eavesdrop on ’Em

Chapter 8 - Leave It to Me to Stump Webster’s

Chapter 9 - The Bitch Stole My Snack Pack

Chapter 10 - I Put Her in My Phone as Crosby, Stills, and Nash

Chapter 11 - A Lobster Named Snappy

Chapter 12 - Beware of Guys Who Say You Look Like a Celebrity . . . They’re Either Lying or Have Cataracts

Chapter 13 - The Clam Jam

Chapter 14 - Vodka Is Everyone’s Favorite Orphan

Chapter 15 - Real Men Wear Pink

Chapter 16 - The Overfed Flamingo

Chapter 17 - Princess Leia Was a Whore

Chapter 18 - Wheel of Fortune for Single Girls

Chapter 19 - Cupid Clearly Hates Me

Chapter 20 - The Other Woman’s Other Woman

Chapter 21 - Holy Rollers Sit to the Right

Chapter 22 - Let’s Go Hammer Ourselves

Chapter 23 - It Doesn’t Count if You Have to Blow Them Up or Pay Them by the Hour

Chapter 24 - Renaissance Man


About the Author

Also by Erin Duffy



About the Publisher

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