


Eat Q电子书

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作       者:Albers, Susan

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:50.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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If you've ever asked yourself, "Why do I know how to eat healthier to lose weight but don't do it?" this is the perfect book for you.Susan Albers, Psy.D., a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic Family Health Center, has discovered that the key to successful weight loss is not physical exercise, calorie counting, or even willpower—it's emotional intelligence (EI). EI includes the noncognitive aspects of intelligence, such as optimism, impulse control, empathy, and the ability to manage stress, which are predictors of future success—including the ability to lose weight and to keep it off long-term. (In contrast, lacking these skills can ignite nutritional neuroses, food phobias, and disordered eating that can cause cravings, binges, and weight gain.)EI skills have traditionally been used to help people navigate their relationships with other people, but Dr. Albers has learned how to use them to help people strengthen their relationship with food. Even the smartest people can struggle with their emotional intelligence, which can keep us locked in a vicious cycle of dieting failure.In Eat.Q., Dr. Albers uniquely and innovatively applies both self-help and business wisdom to weight loss for optimum success. You learn what your personal style is as it relates to your Eat.Q., and Albers helps you identify exactly what issues you have with eating. She discusses all different kinds of eating styles and explains each of the strategies, allowing you to customize her program to suit your total Eat.Q. profile—including your personal schedule, understanding what you eat and why, and how cravings, environment, and mood affect your relationship with food. She gives you specifics, teaching you how to refine your needs and desires to achieve better results.Increase your Eat.Q. to eat better, drop excess pounds, and settle at a healthy weight for the long-term. It's a revolutionary new way of eating better and feeling great about your body that will release you from the craziness of yo-yo dieting once and for all.




PART 1: What Is Eat.Q.?

1. The Solution to Emotional Eating, Stress Eating, and Plain Old Overeating

2. The Moment of Decision: Four Tools That Instantly Boost Eat.Q.

3. The EAT Method: Take Charge of Your Eating

PART 2: Barriers to Eat.Q.

4. Dieting

5. Pleasure Seeking

6. Social Eating

7. Stress

8. Trauma

PART 3: Tools for Success

9. E: Embracing Your Feelings, Learning to Reconnect

10. A: Accepting Your Emotions, Understanding Their Meaning

11. T: Turning to New, Positive Alternatives to Eating

You’re Ready to Use Your New Food Smarts!




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