1. The Coming Flood of Genomic Messages
What is genomic information?
What is genomic privacy?
What is genomic medicine and why might it change how we think?
Can we strike a “genetic balance” in our health care?
2. Personalized (Genomic) Medicine
What is a genetic family history and why does it matter?
How can personalized medicine become impersonal medicine?
How did genetically isolated populations help DNA researchers?
Why will genomic medicine require electronic health records?
3. Nature, Nurture, and the Microbiome
How do twins help us understand that it’s nature and nurture?
How do genomics and the environment work in diabetes?
How does your microbiome affect your health?
4. Pharmacogenomics
How have racism and stereotyping plagued genomics?
What does warfarin tell us about pharmacogenomics?
How do foods and genes interact?
Why is it unlikely that your physician will use your genome to prescribe drugs?
What will pharmacogenomics look like in the future?
5. Reprogenomics
Why is reprogenomics based on genetic relationships?
What are the social policy issues in reprogenomics?
What new issues do embryo and stem cell research create?
Is regulation of the fertility industry necessary?
6. Genomic Messages from Fetuses
How does prenatal diagnosis work?
What are karyotypes and microarrays?
Is whole-genome sequencing of fetuses in our future?
7. Genomic Messages from Newborns and Children
When is whole-genome sequencing of sick children indicated?
What is newborn screening and how does it work?
Why shouldn’t all newborns have their DNA sequenced?
8. Cancer Genomics
Is cancer a genetic disease?
How can the “hallmarks of cancer” suggest novel treatments?
Why does cancer sequencing hold promise for personalized medicine?
9. Genomic Privacy and DNA Data Banks
How do “big data” and “big DNA banks” affect our privacy?
How do criminal DNA data banks work?
How do commercial DNA data banks work?
How can we make informed consent to DNA data banking meaningful?
Can companies patent our DNA?
10. Genomics Future
How does genomics affect how we see death and our future?
What are “species-endangering” experiments?
What are “posthumans” and “transhumans”?
How can we tell the difference between genomics fact and fantasy?
How can individuals influence the genomics research agenda?
Appendix A: DNA and the Human Genome
Appendix B: Limitations of Screening Tests
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