


A Medicine for Melancholy and Other Stories电子书

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作       者:Bradbury, Ray

出  版  社:William Morrow Paperbacks


字       数:47.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Ray Bradbury is a painter who uses words rather than brushes--for he created lasting visual images that, once observed, are impossible to forget. Sinister mushrooms growing in a dank cellar. A family's first glimpse at Martians. A wonderful white vanilla ice-cream summer suit that changes everyone who wears it. A great artist drawing in the sand on the beach. A clunky contraption made out of household implements to help some kids play a game called Invasion. The most marvelous Christmas display a little boy ever saw. All those images and many more are inside this book, a new trade edition of thirty-one of Bradbury's most arresting tales--timeless short fiction that ranges from the farthest reaches of space to the innermost stirrings of the heart. Ray Bradbury is known worldwide as one of the century's great men of imagination. Here are thirty-one reasons why.Ray Bradbury is a painter who uses words rather than brushes--for he created lasting visual images that, once observed, are impossible to forget. Sinister mushrooms growing in a dank cellar. A familys first glimpse at Martians. A wonderful white vanilla ice-cream summer suit that changes everyone who wears it. A great artist drawing in the sand on the beach. A clunky contraption made out of household implements to help some kids play a game called Invasion. The most marvelous Christmas display a little boy ever saw. All those images and many more are inside this book, a new trade edition of thirty-one of Bradburys most arresting tales--timeless short fiction that ranges from the farthest reaches of space to the innermost stirrings of the heart. Ray Bradbury is known worldwide as one of the centurys great men of imagination. Here are thirty-one reasons why.



In a Season of Calm Weather

A Medicine for Melancholy

The Wonderful Ice-Cream Suit

Fever Dream

The Marriage Mender

The Town Where No One Got Off

A Scent of Sarsaparilla

The Headpiece

The First Night of Lent

The Time of Going Away

All Summer in a Day

The Gift

The Great Collision of Monday Last

The Little Mice

The Shore Line at Sunset

The Day It Rained Forever


Pillar of Fire

Zero Hour

The Man

Time in Thy Flight

The Pedestrian

Hail and Farewell

Invisible Boy

Come into My Cellar

The Million-Year Picnic

The Screaming Woman

The Smile

Dark They Were, and Golden-Eyed

The Trolley

Icarus Montgolfier Wright


About the Author

Books by Ray Bradbury


About the Publisher

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