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Title Page
Every woman likes to be proposed to, even if she means to refuse.
When I introduced Jason to a member of my family as “my…
When I turned down Jason’s marriage offer, he squirmed his hand…
Her name was Lucy and she was his next-door neighbor.
My father had said that Jason would come back, so perhaps I…
It’s the one thing I have in common with Jennifer Lopez. (Apart…
When Jason listed his conditions, I was shocked. I’m not often contrite,…
That makes me sound terrible. It wasn’t as bad as all that. Gabrielle…
I could have traced Jack in ten minutes, but Peter rang and I had to…
I thought fast. “I didn’t want to upset your mother by ringing in…
I put the phone down on him, which, I realized after I did it, was…
I rang my father first thing. “I’m meeting Jack later,” I said.
I was buzzing with anger, and red-faced. This was so typical of Jack…
I used to be close to my mother when I was little. I was very girly…
By return of post, I received a brown parcel marked FRAGILE
“Lovely, now can you pull your cheeks apart for me?”
“Oh,” I said.
“You know her mother isn’t well,” said Gabrielle, crossing her arms.
The specter of Grandma Nellie—or maybe that’s tempting fate—the…
I did ring home the next day, but no one answered, and my father…
Most days, my conscience lies around eating crisps. It had roused…
Whatever my mother had wanted to say about her mother…
I left with the promise of nothing, the possibility of everything.
Then it occurred to me that it was ten twenty-nine on a weekday…
“Any update on the single mother?” said Greg.
The show ended and I gave Jason a long hug to thank him. I think it…
“Your dad will be pleased” was Martine’s reaction when I told her.
I screamed it. “What?”
The next day I called in sick and went to see Gabrielle. She hadn’t…
I returned to work Monday morning, and got the sack. Greg called…
I won’t deny I myself am annoying, but other people are more…
I couldn’t say “What?”
The saving grace of being angry with someone is, you can always…
I scanned his vicinity for willowy blondes. However, the mystery…
I remembered. the bits that mattered, anyway. The rest I could…
I jumped as someone rapped on the window and opened the passenger…
I was awoken the next morning at an ungodly hour, good heaven, it…
I was scared. I won’t say, “not much scares me,” because a lot scares…
For the rest of the day, my sense of balance came and went, like…
I didn’t know where to begin. The cardboard box, my legacy from…
The Woman in White
Gabrielle allowed me to babysit with Oliver the following evening,…
I went home and Jack had called, saying he’d be back tomorrow, but…
The heat had gone out of the summer, which made you forget it had…
The next morning my mother rang, sounding coy
Unemployment is wasted on some people. They do nothing with it
People are funny about weddings. I don’t mean funny ha-ha. As…
I bawled for a while, then quit. This man was about as volatile as a…
There’s nothing worse than two lonely people hanging out together
Saturday night and i was eating a chicken dinner at Gab and Ollie’s…
When Jack and I divorced, he was coldly fair about everything. I…
About the Author
Also by Anna Maxted
About the Publisher