


Go, Mutants!电子书

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作       者:Doyle, Larry

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:32.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The author of I Love You, Beth Cooper returns with an ingenious contemporary satire set in an alternate universe populated by the aliens, mutants, and atomic monsters of B-movie legend. It came to Earth . . . and now its spawn goes to high school.Earth has survived repeated alien invasions, attacks by hordes of mutants, and the ravages of ancient beasts brought back to life. Now we're in the blissful future...for most. J!m, the son of the alien who nearly destroyed the planet, is a brooding, megacephalic rebel with a big forehead and exceptionally oily skin. Along with Johnny, a radioactive biker ape, and Jelly, a gelatinous mass passing as a fat kid, J!m navigates a particularly unpleasant adolescence in which he really is as alienated as he feels, the world might actu-ally be out to get him, and true love is complicated by mis-understanding and incompatible parts. As harmless school antics escalate into explosive events with tragic consequences, J!m makes a discovery that will alter the course of civilization, though it may help his dating life.Replete with all the rock 'n' roll, hot-rod racing, and heavy petting of classic teen cinema—and packed with famous film-monster cameos—Go, Mutants! is fun strapped to an atomic rocket, and Doyle's deadpan delivery and razor-sharp wit will have you laughing out loud before he even starts the ignition sequence.




Chapter 1 - Your Flesh will Crawl

Chapter 2 - Stalks the Earth

Chapter 3 - Mated to Wild Atomic Energy!

Chapter 4 - Teasing Becomes Torture!

Chapter 5 - Science Gone Wild!

Chapter 6 - Their “Growing-up” Shocking

Chapter 7 - Bare-Fisted Hate!

Chapter 8 - One Name Stands out as the Epitome of Evil!

Chapter 9 - Millions are Asking - What is it?

Chapter 10 - Youth on the Loose!

Chapter 11 - Temper-Hot Tensions...

Chapter 12 - Back Seat Dating

Chapter 13 - In Naked Screaming Terror!

Chapter 14 - Horrorific and All New!

Chapter 15 - The Raging Violence of a Maddened Ape...

Chapter 16 - What Causes the Unbelievable to Happen?

Chapter 17 - Explosive Drama ... Set to Rock’n Roll Tempo!

Chapter 18 - Charged with Million-Volt Excitement!

Chapter 19 - Death and Desire!

Chapter 20 - Teenager or Terrifying Beast?

Chapter 21 - Vicious and Venomous!

Chapter 22 - Hate and Horror Gave it Life!

Chapter 23 - Are we Delving into Mysteries we weren’t meant to know?

Chapter 24 - Devastating Passions

Chapter 25 - A Savage Lust... to Kill!

Chapter 26 - To Bring Back the Dead!

Chapter 27 - Excitement . . . Explodin’est!

Chapter 28 - Today’s Most Vital Controversy!

Chapter 29 - Daring and True Exposé— of a Hush-Hush Subject!

Chapter 30 - Builds to a Thrilling Climax

Chapter 31 - Your Heart will Pound...

Chapter 32 - Flaming Fury from the Skies

Chapter 33 - It’s Rockin’ Rollin’ End!

Also by Larry Doyle


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