


The Remedy电子书

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作       者:Lovric, Michelle

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:63.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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In this darkly beautiful and hauntingly vivid novel, Michelle Lovric, acclaimed author of The Floating Book, embarks on an unforgettable journey through the winding alleys and shadowy streets of eighteenth-century Venice and London. With vibrant prose, she weaves together the stories of three disparate yet intertwined characters who find themselves embroiled in a world of murder and secrets. There is Mimosina Dolcezza, the Venetian actress employed as an agente provocatrice by surreptitious European power brokers. By fortune and circumstance, she begins an affair with the elusive Valentine Greatrakes, a roguish fixture within London's medical underworld. Complicating matters for the pair is the presence of the eccentric and strange child-woman Pevenche, a figure whose fate and identity lie at the heart of the book's mystery.Following this shadowy group from the dark environs of London's Bankside to the lively streets of Venice, The Remedy guides us through playhouses, brothels, and convents with luscious details that breathe intoxicating life into the era. Long-listed for the prestigious Orange Prize for Fiction, The Remedy is a seductive and suspenseful tale that stays with you long after you've turned the final page.


Title Page


Table of Contents

Part One

1 - An Anodyne Epithem

2 - An Emmenagogue Decoction

3 - Emmenagogue Pills

4 - Balsamic Lozenges

5 - A Refrigerating Expression

6 - A Consolating Mixture

7 - A Julep for Child-Bed Women

8 - A Camphorate Electuary

9 - A Draught for a Bruise

Part Two

1 - A Traumatic Infusion

2 - Spleen Ale

3 - Horse-Dung Water

4 - Antiphthisic Decoction

5 - Consummate Broth

6 - An Electuary of Satyrion

7 - The Decoction Called Sacrum

8 - Analeptic Electuary

9 - An Antiloimick Decoction

10 - A Cataplasm in a Quinsy Sore Throat

11 - A Traumatic Decoction

12 - Wafers of Tamarinds

13 - An Alexipharmac Draught

14 - Diuretic Ale

Part Three

1 - A Warm Cardiac Electuary

2 - A Golden Julep

3 - A Gargle with Myrrh

4 - An Hysteric Electuary

5 - A Cordial Epithem

6 - A Cephalic Julep

7 - A Litus for the Face

Part Four

1 - A Cephalic Electuary

2 - An Icteric Decoction

3 - An Electuary of Mustard

4 - A Cataplasm of Herrings

5 - A Consolatory Draught

Part Five

1 - A Solid Errhine

2 - A Cordial Julep

3 - Pectoral Snail Water

4 - A Quilt for a Cap

5 - An Expression of Millipedes

6 - A Paste for Aphthae

7 - A Sweetening Scorbutick Ale

8 - A Decoction of the Woods

9 - A Temperate Pearl Cordial Julep

10 - A Pacific Mixture

11 - A Cataplasm of Bitters

12 - A Comforting Glyster

13 - A Cordial Caudle

14 - An Hysteric Nodule

Part Six

1 - An Hemoptoic Draught

2 - A Balsam called Mirabile

3 - A Foment for the Pain of Haemorrhoids

4 - A Draught for a Catarrh

5 - A Balsamic Bolus

6 - Peruvian Antihectic Lozenges

7 - A Peruvian Epileptic Electuary

8 - Splanchnic Powder

9 - Sternutatory Powder

Part Seven

1 - Chalybeate Syrup

2 - A Cataplasm of Webs

3 - Unguent for Shrinking of the Sinews

4 - Restorative Caudle

5 - A Pacific Foment

6 - An Alexiterial Julep

Epilogue: Venice, March 1787

Powder of Crabs Eyes Compound

Historical Notes: London and Venice, Winter 1785/6


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