


The Mirrored World电子书

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作       者:Dean, Debra

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:28.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The bestselling author of The Madonnas of Leningrad returns with a breathtaking novel of love, madness, and devotion set against the extravagant royal court of eighteenth-century St. Petersburg.Born to a Russian family of lower nobility, Xenia, an eccentric dreamer who cares little for social conventions, falls in love with Andrei, a charismatic soldier and singer in the Empress's Imperial choir. Though husband and wife adore each other, their happiness is overshadowed by the absurd demands of life at the royal court and by Xenia's growing obsession with having a child—a desperate need that is at last fulfilled with the birth of her daughter. But then a tragic vision comes true, and a shattered Xenia descends into grief, undergoing a profound transformation that alters the course of her life. Turning away from family and friends, she begins giving all her money and possessions to the poor. Then, one day, she mysteriously vanishes.Years later, dressed in the tatters of her husband's military uniform and answering only to his name, Xenia is discovered tending the paupers of St. Petersburg's slums. Revered as a soothsayer and a blessed healer to the downtrodden, she is feared by the royal court and its new Empress, Catherine, who perceives her deeds as a rebuke to their lavish excesses. In this evocative and elegantly written tale, Dean reimagines the intriguing life of Xenia of St. Petersburg, a patron saint of her city and one of Russia's most mysterious and beloved holy figures. This is an exploration of the blessings of loyal friendship, the limits of reason, and the true costs of loving deeply.




The Ice Palace

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Learning to Mate

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

The Metamorphoses Ball

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Unloosing the Material World

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

The Musico’s Wife

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

The Holy Fool of Petersburg

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen


P.S.: Insights, Interviews & More . . .

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