


Hamilton Stark电子书

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作       者:Banks, Russell

出  版  社:Harper Perennial


字       数:44.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Hamilton Stark is a New Hampshire pipe fitter and the sole inhabitant of the house from which he evicted his own mother. He is the villain of five marriages and the father of a daughter so obsessed that she has been writing a book about him for years. Hamilton Stark is a boor, a misanthrope, a handsome man: funny, passionately honest, and a good dancer. The narrator, a middle-aged writer, decides to write about Stark as a hero whose anger and solitude represent passion and wisdom. At the same time that he tells Hamilton Stark's story, he describes the process of writing the novel and the complicated connections between truth and fiction. As Stark slips in and out of focus, maddeningly elusive and fascinatingly complex, this beguiling novel becomes at once a compelling meditation on identity and a thoroughly engaging story of life on the cold edge of New England.




Chapter 1: By Way of an Introduction to the Novel, This or Any

Chapter 2: The Matrix: In Which Certain Geographic, Historic, Economic & Ethnic Factors Get Described and Thence Enter the Drama; Also Flora & Fauna & Other Environmental Marginalia; Some Local Traditions; A Fabled Place &. an Early Murder There

Chapter 3: Three Tales from His Childhood

Chapter 4: Her Mother Speaks to Her of a Man She Calls “Your Father”

Chapter 4 Addendum A

Chapter 4: Addendum B

Chapter 4: Addendum C

Chapter 5: Back and Fill: In Which the Hero’s Ditch, Having Got Dug and the Pipe’s Having Been Laid Therein, Gets Filled; Including a Brief Digression Concerning the Demon Asmodeus, along with Certain Other Digressions of Great and Small Interest

Chapter 6: Chapter Beginning as “His Second Wife Speaks of a Man She Calls ‘Your Father’ (from a Tape Recording)”

Chapter 7: Ausable Chasm

Chapter 8: 100 Selected, Uninteresting Things Done and Said by Hamilton Stark

Chapter 9: The Uroboros: Being a Further Declension of the Central Image

Chapter 10: Graveside

Chapter 11: An End

About the Author

Books by Russell Banks

Books by Russell Banks


About the Publisher

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