


Why Kids Make You Fat电子书

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作       者:Macdonald, Mark

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:26.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Our children are bundles of joy who enhance our lives in innumerable ways. We love them beyond question. But let's be honest . . . they take a lot of time. For most of us, that means less regular workouts and not enough time to prepare healthy meals at home. It's a struggle just to get to the gym once a month and put nutritious food on the table. Even worse for your waistline are those tempting snacks in the fridge and the little extras kids leave on the plate.Mark Macdonald knows this firsthand. A New York Times bestselling author, nutritionist, and fitness guru, he gained thirty-five pounds in the two years after the birth of his son. For women, like his wife, Abbi, it is even harder . . . they have to gain weight with each pregnancy, and then attempt to shed those pounds in the midst of stressful demands from the newborn—and often a severe lack of sleep. But we all face a choice: when we notice those pounds packing on, will we evolve, make changes, and reclaim our healthOr will we allow our health to enter that awful downward spiral?Mark and Abbi know it is possible to reclaim your body, even in the throes of parenting. With this eight-week program, Mark has helped thousands of parents lose up to thirty pounds and rediscover the energy they thought was gone for good. The step-by-step program has three phases: Phase One, Detox, cleanses your body and helps you lose your bloat. Phase Two, Ignite, burns fat and melts your belly. Phase Three, Thrive, reprograms your metabolism and allows you to incorporate this new way of eating into a sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle.With a comprehensive diet plan, specific workout regimen, everyday strategies to help parents lose the weight, and incredible success stories with before and after photos, Why Kids Make You Fat . . . and How to Get Your Body Back is a book that will help parents look and feel better than they did even before the kids came along.



Introduction: What Happened to the Easy Life?

1 1% at a Time . . . It’s All About Baby Steps

2 Making Your 8 Week Run

3 Detox: Lose Your Bloat: Week 1: Cut, Clean, Flush

4 Ignite: Melt Your Belly: Weeks 2–8: Burn, Sculpt, Restore

5 Thrive: Live Your Life: Weeks 9 and Beyond: Reprogram, Diversify, Energize

6 Food Frenzy

7 It Looks Like a Gym to Me

8 I Said No! Oh Great, I Gained Another Pound

9 Crossing the Finish Line

Supplement Reference Section


About the Author


Also By Mark Macdonald


About the Publisher

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