


The Oldest Trick电子书

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作       者:Habershaw, Auston

出  版  社:Harper Voyager Impulse


字       数:73.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Compiled for the first time, The Oldest Trick comprises The Iron Ring and Iron and Blood in the Saga of the RedeemedTyvian Reldamar gets betrayed by his longtime partner and left for dead in a freezing river. To add insult to injury, his mysterious rescuer took it upon himself to affix Tyvian with an iron ring that prevents the wearer from any evildoing.Revenge just got complicated.On his quest to get even, Tyvian navigates dark conspiracies, dodges midnight assassins, and uncovers the plans of the ruthless wizard Banric Sahand. Tyvian will need to use every dirty trick in the book to avoid a painful and ignominious end, even as he learns to work with—and rely on—his motley crew of accomplices, including an adolescent pickpocket, an obese secret-monger, and a fearsome gnoll.



Part One: The Iron Ring



Chapter 1: The Boy with the Good Chin

Chapter 2: Zazlar’s Joke

Chapter 3: What Tyvian Does Best

Chapter 4: The Iron Ring

Chapter 5: In Pursuit

Chapter 6: Man versus Beast

Chapter 7: On the Road

Chapter 8: The Ol’ Switcheroo

Chapter 9: In the Free City

Chapter 10: A Conversation with Carlo

Chapter 11: Blasts from Certain Pasts

Chapter 12: Esteemed Colleagues

Chapter 13: Home at Last

Chapter 14: Loose Lips

Chapter 15: Long Night

Chapter 16: Stalking Hendrieux

Chapter 17: Trouble in Dark Places

Chapter 18: Covert Affairs

Chapter 19: Man of Mercy

Chapter 20: Death’s Door

Interlude: A Taste of Things to Come

Part Two: Iron and Blood


Chapter 1: The Semi-Invited

Chapter 2: Trouble Wears Silk

Chapter 3: Just Another Street Fight

Chapter 4: Conscientious Objector

Chapter 5: Bad Deals

Chapter 6: Cage for a Smuggler

Chapter 7: Comrades in Chains

Chapter 8: Jaevis ex Machina

Chapter 9: The Ol’ Switcheroo, Redux

Chapter 10: Rewards Due

Chapter 11: Two Steps Ahead

Chapter 12: Payback

Chapter 13: A Bitter End

Chapter 14: The Wages of Gallantry

Chapter 15: Conscience Makes a Comeback

Chapter 16: In the Icy Clutches

Chapter 17: Assembled Frustration

Chapter 18: Farmboy’s Luck

Chapter 19: The Direct Approach

Chapter 20: Down Dark Halls

Chapter 21: Damsels in Distress

Chapter 22: What Goes Around …

Chapter 23: Dawn


About the Author


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