


Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development电子书

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作       者:Kerri Shotts

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:163.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Take your PhoneGap experience to the next level and create engaging real-world applicationsAbout This BookCreate a useful PhoneGap workflow for larger projects in order to simplify and manage the development processUse third-party plugins, IndexedDB, and SQLite for PhoneGap to develop large-scale, data-driven, and highly accessible applicationsA pragmatic guide to construct top-notch large-scale applications using PhoneGapWho This Book Is ForIf you have created simple applications using PhoneGap in the past and now want to take your workflow and apps to the next level, this book will help you reach your goals. You should have a good working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and prior experience with PhoneGap.What You Will LearnConstruct build workflows that simplify complex application developmentIntegrate the next version of JavaScript to simplify your codeCreate accessible hybrid applicationsPersist and query data using third-party database pluginsCreate your own PhoneGap plugins for your unique use casesCreate icons and splash screens suitable for submission to app storesPublish your app to the Google Play and Apple iTunes storesIn DetailPhoneGap is a useful and flexible tool that enables you to create complex hybrid applications for mobile platforms. In addition to the core technology, there is a large and vibrant community that creates third-party plugins that can take your app to the next level.This book will guide you through the process of creating a complex data-driven hybrid mobile application using PhoneGap, web technologies, and third-party plugins.A good foundation is critical, so you will learn how to create a useful workflow to make development easier. From there, the next version of JavaScript (ES6) and the CSS pre-processor SASS are introduced as a way to simplify creating the look of the mobile application. Responsive design techniques are also covered, including the flexbox layout module. As many apps are data-driven, you'll build an application throughout the course of the book that relies upon IndexedDB and SQLite. You'll also download additional content and address how to handle in-app purchases. Furthermore, you’ll build your own customized plugins for your particular use case. When the app is complete, the book will guide you through the steps necessary to submit your app to the Google Play and Apple iTunes stores.Style and approachThis book is a step-by-step guide, in which the concepts covered are explained with the help of hands-on examples

Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development

Table of Contents

Mastering PhoneGap Mobile Application Development


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1. Task Automation

Before we begin

About Logology

Why use Gulp for task automation?

Setting up your app's directory structure

Installing Gulp

Creating your first Gulp configuration file

Creating a modular Gulp configuration

Copying assets

Performing substitutions

How to execute Cordova tasks

Managing version numbers

Supporting ES2015

Linting your code

Uglifying your code

Putting it all together


2. ECMAScript 2015 and Browserify

Getting started

Benefits of ES2015

Block scope

Arrow functions

Simpler object definitions

Default arguments

Variable arguments

Destructuring and named parameters

String interpolation

Promises and a taste of ES2016



More information

Using Browserify

Modifying our Gulp configuration

Including Node.js packages


3. Sassy CSS

Getting started

Learning Sass





Mixins and functions

Object-oriented CSS

Modules and partials

Integrating Sass with Gulp

Including the Stylesheets installed via npm


4. More Responsive Design

Getting started

Pixel densities

The CSS3 units

Media queries

Image sizing

Using flex-box layout


5. Hybrid Application Accessibility

Getting started

Types of accessibility features

Color vision deficient

Low vision


Auditory disabilities

Motor disabilities



Accessibility for free

What is WAI-ARIA?

The WAI-ARIA roles

Accessibility examples

Separation of presentation and content

Accessible icon buttons

Accessible navigation

Accessible lists

Accessible alerts and dialogs

Fitting in with native accessibility features

Installing the Mobile Accessibility Plugin

Detecting the user's preferred text size

Detecting a screen reader

Speaking custom text

Useful tools


6. Testing and UI Automation

Getting started

An introduction to assertions

Writing tests using Chai

Language chains

Logical words

Testing existence and types

Testing equality

Testing collections

Running test suites using Mocha

Writing UI automation tests

Installing Appium

Exploring your app with Appium

Creating test cases

Running UI Automation tests using Appium and Mocha

Integrating our tests with Gulp


7. IndexedDB

Getting started

IndexedDB support and polyfills

Differences between relational and key-object storage

Creating a database

Creating an object store within the database

Handling database upgrades


Storing objects

Getting objects

Deleting objects

Using cursors and indexes

Closing the database

Additional resources


8. Web SQL Database

Getting started

Web SQL Database support

The Cordova SQLite plugin

Creating and opening databases


Creating tables

Inserting data and binding values

Querying data (single table, joins, and so on)

Deleting data

The SQLite utilities


9. Transferring Files

Getting started

Configuring the whitelist

Downloading files from a server

Receiving files using PHP on a server

Uploading files to a server

Monitoring progress

Aborting transfers

Security concerns


10. Performance

Getting started

Defining performance

The performance difference between desktop browsers, emulators, and physical devices

Desktop browser performance differences

Power availability and consumption

Battery life

Browser impacts




Emulator performance differences

Profiling your app

Profiling on Android

Profiling on iOS


Correcting input lag

Correcting visual stutters

Reaching 60 fps

Correcting memory problems

Splitting up and delegating long computations


11. Graphical Assets

Getting started

App icon requirements

Creating an app icon

Launch screen requirements

Creating a Launch Screen

Configuring your app

Useful resources


12. Deployment

Build modes

Distribution methods

Signing up for developer accounts

Becoming an Apple iOS developer

Becoming a Google Play Store developer

Generating signed release builds

Managing the iOS signing identities

Managing iOS App IDs

Managing iOS devices

Managing the iOS provisioning profiles

Creating an Android keystore

Signing the release build

Deploying ad hoc releases

Deploying via e-mail

Deploying via URL

Deploying via Diawi

Deploying app store releases

Deploying to the Apple App Store

Deploying to the Google Play Store




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