


jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials - Third Edition电子书

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作       者:Raymond Camden

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:116.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build a powerful and practical jQuery-based framework in order to create mobile-optimized websites About This Book Build websites with jQuery Mobile that work beautifully across a wide range of mobile devices Become a competent jQuery Mobile developer and learn the building blocks of jQuery Mobile’s component-driven design This book covers key concepts but with a focus on providing the practical skills required Who This Book Is For This book is for any web developer who is looking to create mobile-optimized websites. Basic knowledge of HTML is required. Minor familiarity with JavaScript would help but is not required. What You Will Learn Create mobile-optimized sites using simple HTML Structure your sites so users can browse them on mobile devices Find out how to work with multiple pages in the JQM framework and embed multiple pages in HTML files Enhance simple pages using various toolbars Include mobile-optimized forms for interactive sites Convert desktop sites into mobile versions Use HTML5’s local storage feature in jQuery Mobile to include persistent client-side storage Explore the rich sets of widgets and themes available and discover how to modify them for use in your jQuery Mobile site In Detail jQuery Mobile is a HTML5-based touch-optimized web framework. jQuery Mobile can be used to build responsive cross-platform websites and apps for a wide range of smartphones, tablets, and desktop devices. The jQuery Mobile framework can be integrated with other mobile app frameworks such as PhoneGap, IBM Worklight, and more. Introduction to jQuery Mobile explains how to add the framework to your HTML pages to create rich, mobile-optimized web pages with minimal effort. You’ll learn how to use jQuery Mobile’s automatic enhancements and configure the framework for customized, powerful mobile-friendly websites. We then dig into forms, events, and styling. You'll see how jQuery Mobile automatically enhances content, and will find out how to use the JavaScript API to build complex sites. We’ll introduce you to how jQuery Mobile can be themed as well looking into how JavaScript can be used for deep sets of customizations. The examples are ready to run and can be used to help kick-start your own site. Along the way, you will leverage all the concepts you learn to build three sample mobile applications. Style and approach Through a set of easy to follow instructions, we’ll show you how to use jQuery Mobile’s features one easy-to-use widget at a time. You’ll see examples for each feature as well as screenshots to demonstrate what they should look like on a mobile device. You can then take these example files and modify them as you learn to experiment.

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials Third Edition

Table of Contents

jQuery Mobile Web Development Essentials Third Edition


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What is jQuery Mobile?

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1. Preparing Your First jQuery Mobile Project

Important preliminary points

Building an HTML page

Getting jQuery Mobile

Implementing jQuery Mobile

Working with data attributes


2. Working with jQuery Mobile Pages

Important preliminary points

Adding multiple pages to one file

jQuery Mobile, links, and you

Working with multiple files

jQuery Mobile and URLs

Additional customization

Page titles

Prefetching content

Changing page transitions


3. Enhancing Pages with Headers, Footers, and Toolbars

Important preliminary points

Adding headers

Icon sneak peek

Working with back buttons

Working with footers

Creating fixed and fullscreen headers and footers

Fullscreen headers and footers

Working with navigation bars

Persisting navigation bar footers across multiple pages


4. Working with Lists

Creating lists

Working with list features

Creating inset lists

Creating list dividers


Creating lists with count bubbles

Using thumbnails and icons

Creating split button lists


5. Getting Practical – Building a Simple Hotel Mobile Website

Welcome to Hotel Camden

The home page

Finding the hotel

Listing the hotel rooms

Contacting the hotel


6. Working with Forms and jQuery Mobile

Before you begin

What jQuery Mobile does with forms

Working with radio buttons and checkboxes

Working with select menus

Custom select fields

Search, toggle, and slider fields

Search fields

Flip switch fields

Slider fields

Using native form controls

Working with mini fields


7. Creating Grids, Panels, and Other Widgets

Laying out content with grids

Making responsive grids

Working with collapsible content

Using popups

Responsive tables

Working with panels

Using filterable widgets

Working with tabs


8. Moving Further with the Notekeeper Mobile Application

What is a mobile application?

Designing your first mobile application

Listing out the requirements

Building your wireframes

Designing the Add Note wireframe

The Display Notes wireframe

The View Note/Delete button wireframe

Writing the HTML

Adding functionality with JavaScript

Storing Notekeeper data

Using localStorage

Effective use of boilerplates

Building the Add Note feature

Adding bindings

Collecting and storing data

Building the Display Notes feature

Dynamically adding notes to our listview

Viewing a note

Using the .on() method

Dynamically creating a new page

Deleting a note


9. jQuery Mobile Configuration, Utilities, and JavaScript Methods

Configuring jQuery Mobile

Using jQuery Mobile utilities

Page methods and utilities

Utilities related to path and URL

jQuery Mobile widget and form utilities


10. Working with Events

Working with physical events

Handling page events

What about $(document).ready?

Creating a real example


11. Enhancing jQuery Mobile

What's possible for designs?

The visual building blocks of jQuery Mobile


Applying drop shadows

Using text-shadow

Using box-shadow

CSS gradients

The basics of jQuery Mobile theming

Bars (.ui-bar-?)

Content blocks (.ui-body-?)

Buttons and listviews (.ui-btn-?)

Mixing and matching swatches

Site-wide active state

Default icons

Creating and using a custom theme

What's ThemeRoller?

Using ThemeRoller





Creating a theme for Notekeeper

Exporting your theme

Updating the Notekeeper app

Adding our custom theme


12. Creating Native Applications

HTML as a native application

Working with PhoneGap

Adding the PhoneGap functionality


13. Becoming an Expert – Building an RSS Reader Application

RSS reader – the application

Creating the RSS reader application

The displayFeeds function

Storing our feeds

Adding an RSS feed

Viewing a feed

Creating the entry view

Going further



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