


Learning ArcGIS for Desktop电子书

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9人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Daniela Cristiana Docan

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:155.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Create, analyze, and map your spatial data with ArcGIS for Desktop About This Book Learn how to use ArcGIS for Desktop to create and manage geographic data, perform vector and raster analysis, design maps, and share your results Solve real-world problems and share your valuable results using the powerful instruments of ArcGIS for Desktop Step-by-step tutorials cover the main editing, analyzing, and mapping tools in ArcGIS for Desktop Who This Book Is For This book is ideal for those who want to learn how to use the most important component of Esri’s ArcGIS platform, ArcGIS for Desktop. It would be helpful to have a bit of familiarity with the basic concepts of GIS. Even if you have no prior GIS experience, this book will get you up and running quickly. What You Will Learn Understand the functionality of ArcGIS for Desktop applications Explore coordinate reference system concepts and work with different map projections Create, populate, and document a file geodatabase Manage, create, and edit feature shapes and attributes Built automate analysis workfl ows with ModelBuilder Apply basic principles of map design to create good-looking maps Analyze raster and three-dimensional data with the Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst extensions In Detail ArcGIS for Desktop is one of the main components of the ESRI ArcGIS platform used to support decision making and solve real-world mapping problems. Learning ArcGIS for Desktop is a tutorial-based guide that provides a practical experience for those who are interested in start working with ArcGIS. The first five chapters cover the basic concepts of working with the File Geodatabase, as well as editing and symbolizing geospatial data. Then, the book focuses on planning and performing spatial analysis on vector and raster data using the geoprocessing and modeling tools. Finally, the basic principles of cartography design will be used to create a quality map that presents the information that resulted from the spatial analysis previously performed. To keep you learning throughout the chapters, all exercises have partial and final results stored in the dataset that accompanies the book. Finally, the book offers more than it promises by using the ArcGIS Online component in the tutorials as source of background data and for results sharing Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide is full of hands-on exercises that use open and free geospatial datasets. The basic features of the ArcGIS for Desktop are explained in a step-by-step style.

Learning ArcGIS for Desktop

Table of Contents

Learning ArcGIS for Desktop


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1. Getting Started with ArcGIS

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware requirements

Software requirements

Installing ArcGIS for Desktop

Obtaining a 60-day trial of ArcGIS for Desktop

Installing on Windows

Exploring ArcGIS for Desktop




Getting help


2. Using Geographic Principles

Using coordinate systems

The ellipsoidal coordinate system

The spherical coordinate system

The spherical polar coordinate system

The three-dimensional (3D) Cartesian coordinate system

Geodetic datum and geoid

Global and regional datums

The geoid and heights

Using a coordinate reference system

Using map projections

Classifying map projections

Comparing map projections

Cylindrical projections

Conic projections

Azimuthal projections

Transforming coordinate reference systems


3. Creating a Geodatabase and Interpreting Metadata

Creating a geodatabase

Components of a geodatabase

Creating a file geodatabase

Importing existing data

Evaluating existing data

Defining a geodatabase structure

Adding data to a geodatabase

Documenting a geodatabase using metadata

Creating metadata

Importing metadata


4. Creating Map Symbology

Creating symbols

Creating point symbols

Creating line and area symbols

Creating labels

Working with graphic text

Working with dynamic labels

Creating a thematic map


5. Creating and Editing Data

Creating and editing features

Editing features

Creating and editing map topology

Using spatial adjustment

Creating and editing attribute data

Editing the feature attributes

Creating and calculating an attribute field

Creating new features

Digitizing features

Creating point features using XY data


6. Analyzing Geographic Data and Presenting the Results

Planning the data analysis and preparing data

Planning data analysis

Defining the problem

Identifying the conditions

Identifying the necessary data

Planning the analysis process

Preparing data for analysis

Performing the analysis

Attribute queries

Location queries

Creating a data report


7. Working with Geoprocessing Tools and ModelBuilder

Working with Geoprocessing tools

Planning data analysis

Preparing data for analysis

Performing site selection

Sharing the analysis results

Working with ModelBuilder

Creating a model

Using a model


8. Using Spatial Analyst and 3D Analyst

Using Spatial Analyst

Performing suitability analysis

Performing a least-cost path analysis

Using 3D Analyst

Creating a TIN surface

Creating 3D features from 2D features

Calculating surface area and volume


9. Working with Aerial and Satellite Imagery

Using aerial imagery

Georeferencing an orthorectified image

Using satellite imagery

Accessing imagery

Displaying multispectral imagery

Image processing


10. Designing Maps

Working with the map layout

Creating a map layout

Designing the map elements

Creating an inset map

Exporting the Map

Working with map templates

Applying a map template

Modifying the map template



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