


Raspberry Pi By Example电子书

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作       者:Ashwin Pajankar

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:104.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Start building amazing projects with the Raspberry Pi right out of the box About This Book Explore the vast range of opportunities provided by Raspberry Pi and other hardware components such as a webcam, the Pi camera, and sensors Get hands-on experience with coding, networking, and hardware with the Raspberry Pi platform Learn through ample screenshots that offer a play-by-play account of how to implement Raspberry-Pi-based real-life projects Who This Book Is For What's the best way to learn how to use your Raspberry PiBy example! If you want something exciting to do whilst getting to grips with what your Pi can offer, this is the book for you. With both simple and complex projects, you'll create a wide variety of cool toys and functions with your Raspberry Pi - all with minimal coding experience necessary. What You Will Learn Set up your Raspberry Pi and get it ready for some interesting real-life projects Work with images, videos, webcams, and the Pi camera and create amazing time-lapse videos Explore the amazing world of Minecraft Pi Get to know how to use PiGlow for GPIO programming Interface your Pi with Grove Sensors and implement IoT applications Build your own cluster with Raspberry Pi Understand the networking and network programming fundamentals In Detail Want to put your Raspberry Pi through its paces right out of the boxThis tutorial guide is designed to get you learning all the tricks of the Raspberry Pi through building complete, hands-on hardware projects. Speed through the basics and then dive right in to development! Discover that you can do almost anything with your Raspberry Pi with a taste of almost everything. Get started with Pi Gaming as you learn how to set up Minecraft, and then program your own game with the help of Pygame. Turn the Pi into your own home security system with complete guidance on setting up a webcam spy camera and OpenCV computer vision for image recognition capabilities. Get to grips with GPIO programming to make a Pi-based glowing LED system, build a complete functioning motion tracker, and more. Finally, get ready to tackle projects that push your Pi to its limits. Construct a complete Internet of Things home automation system with the Raspberry Pi to control your house via Twitter; turn your Pi into a super-computer through linking multiple boards into a cluster and then add in advanced network capabilities for super speedy processing! Style and approach This step-by-step guide to building Raspberry-Pi-based projects is explained in a conversational and easy-to-follow style. Each topic is explained sequentially in the process of creating real-life projects, and detailed explanations of the basic and advanced features of various Python libraries are also included.

Raspberry Pi By Example

Table of Contents

Raspberry Pi By Example


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1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi and Python

Single-board computers

Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi models

Operating systems


Setting up the Raspberry Pi

Preparing MicroSD card manually

Booting up our Pi for the first time

Shutting down and rebooting Pi safely

Updating the Pi

Getting started with Python

Turtle programming with Python


2. Minecraft Pi

Introduction to Minecraft Pi

Playing Minecraft Pi

Movement control in Minecraft Pi

Action control in Minecraft Pi

Other controls in Minecraft Pi

Python programming for Minecraft Pi


3. Building Games with PyGame

Introducing PyGame

Installing PyGame

Drawing a binary fractal tree

Building a snake game


4. Working with a Webcam and Pi Camera

Working with webcams


Creating a timelapse sequence using fswebcam

Webcam video recording and playback

Working with the Pi Camera and NoIR Camera modules

Using raspistill and raspivid

Using picamera in Python with the Pi Camera module

The Pi camera versus the webcam


5. Introduction to GPIO Programming

Introducing GPIO pins

Building an LED Blinker

Connecting a button

Installing PiGlow

Using PiGlow

Building a binary clock


6. Creating Animated Movies with Raspberry Pi

Introducing stop-motion animation

Setting up the prerequisites

Setting up and testing the camera

Adding the hardware button

Rendering the video


7. Introduction to Computer Vision

Introducing Computer Vision

Introducing OpenCV

Setting up Pi for Computer Vision

Testing the OpenCV installation with Python

Introducing NumPy

Array creation

Basic operations on arrays

Linear algebra

Working with images

Using matplotlib

Working with Webcam using OpenCV

Saving a video using OpenCV

Pi Camera and OpenCV

Retrieving image properties

Arithmetic operations on images

Splitting and merging image color channels

Negating an image

Logical operations on images

Colorspaces and conversions

Tracking in real time based on color


8. Creating Your Own Motion Detection and Tracking System

Thresholding images

Otsu's method


Kernels for noise removal

2D convolution filtering

Low pass filtering

Morphological transformations on images

Motion detection and tracking


9. Grove Sensors and the Raspberry Pi

Introducing the GrovePi

Setting up the GrovePi

Displaying the weather

Intruder detection system


10. Internet of Things with the Raspberry Pi

Introducing the Internet of Things

Installing the Twitter API for Python

Using Tweepy

Setting up a SQLite database in Python

Building a tweeting weather station

Adding speech capabilities to our weather station


11. Build Your Own Supercomputer with Raspberry Pi

Introducing a Pi-based supercomputer

Installing and configuring MPICH2 and MPI4PY

Installing the MPICH library

Installing MPI4PY

Setting up the Raspberry Pi cluster

Setting up SSH access from the host to the client

Running code in parallel

Performance benchmarking of the cluster

Introducing N-Body simulations

Installing and running GalaxSee


12. Advanced Networking with Raspberry Pi

Introducing DHCP

A few networking concepts

Configuring a Raspberry Pi to act as a DHCP server

Introducing Domain Naming System (DNS)

Setting up a DNS server on the Pi

Configuring the setup for a web server

Automating node discovery in a network


13. Setting Up a Web Server on the Raspberry Pi

Introducing and installing Apache on Raspbian

Installing PHP and MySQL

Installing WordPress

Configuring the WordPress installation


14. Network Programming in Python with the Pi

The basics of sockets

The difference between TCP and UDP

The architecture and programming of UDP sockets

Sending and receiving data with UDP

UDP servers and NCAT

An echo server using Python UDP sockets

A UDP client

The architecture of TCP sockets

Creating a TCP socket

Connecting to a server with a TCP socket

Receiving data from the server

Programming socket servers

Binding a socket

Listening for incoming connections

Handling multiple connections

Looking back

A Telnet client in Python

A chat program

The chat server

The chat client




A. Newer Raspberry Pi Models

The Raspberry Pi Zero

The Raspberry Pi 3


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