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Raspberry Pi By Example
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Raspberry Pi By Example
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1. Introduction to Raspberry Pi and Python
Single-board computers
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi models
Operating systems
Setting up the Raspberry Pi
Preparing MicroSD card manually
Booting up our Pi for the first time
Shutting down and rebooting Pi safely
Updating the Pi
Getting started with Python
Turtle programming with Python
2. Minecraft Pi
Introduction to Minecraft Pi
Playing Minecraft Pi
Movement control in Minecraft Pi
Action control in Minecraft Pi
Other controls in Minecraft Pi
Python programming for Minecraft Pi
3. Building Games with PyGame
Introducing PyGame
Installing PyGame
Drawing a binary fractal tree
Building a snake game
4. Working with a Webcam and Pi Camera
Working with webcams
Creating a timelapse sequence using fswebcam
Webcam video recording and playback
Working with the Pi Camera and NoIR Camera modules
Using raspistill and raspivid
Using picamera in Python with the Pi Camera module
The Pi camera versus the webcam
5. Introduction to GPIO Programming
Introducing GPIO pins
Building an LED Blinker
Connecting a button
Installing PiGlow
Using PiGlow
Building a binary clock
6. Creating Animated Movies with Raspberry Pi
Introducing stop-motion animation
Setting up the prerequisites
Setting up and testing the camera
Adding the hardware button
Rendering the video
7. Introduction to Computer Vision
Introducing Computer Vision
Introducing OpenCV
Setting up Pi for Computer Vision
Testing the OpenCV installation with Python
Introducing NumPy
Array creation
Basic operations on arrays
Linear algebra
Working with images
Using matplotlib
Working with Webcam using OpenCV
Saving a video using OpenCV
Pi Camera and OpenCV
Retrieving image properties
Arithmetic operations on images
Splitting and merging image color channels
Negating an image
Logical operations on images
Colorspaces and conversions
Tracking in real time based on color
8. Creating Your Own Motion Detection and Tracking System
Thresholding images
Otsu's method
Kernels for noise removal
2D convolution filtering
Low pass filtering
Morphological transformations on images
Motion detection and tracking
9. Grove Sensors and the Raspberry Pi
Introducing the GrovePi
Setting up the GrovePi
Displaying the weather
Intruder detection system
10. Internet of Things with the Raspberry Pi
Introducing the Internet of Things
Installing the Twitter API for Python
Using Tweepy
Setting up a SQLite database in Python
Building a tweeting weather station
Adding speech capabilities to our weather station
11. Build Your Own Supercomputer with Raspberry Pi
Introducing a Pi-based supercomputer
Installing and configuring MPICH2 and MPI4PY
Installing the MPICH library
Installing MPI4PY
Setting up the Raspberry Pi cluster
Setting up SSH access from the host to the client
Running code in parallel
Performance benchmarking of the cluster
Introducing N-Body simulations
Installing and running GalaxSee
12. Advanced Networking with Raspberry Pi
Introducing DHCP
A few networking concepts
Configuring a Raspberry Pi to act as a DHCP server
Introducing Domain Naming System (DNS)
Setting up a DNS server on the Pi
Configuring the setup for a web server
Automating node discovery in a network
13. Setting Up a Web Server on the Raspberry Pi
Introducing and installing Apache on Raspbian
Installing PHP and MySQL
Installing WordPress
Configuring the WordPress installation
14. Network Programming in Python with the Pi
The basics of sockets
The difference between TCP and UDP
The architecture and programming of UDP sockets
Sending and receiving data with UDP
UDP servers and NCAT
An echo server using Python UDP sockets
A UDP client
The architecture of TCP sockets
Creating a TCP socket
Connecting to a server with a TCP socket
Receiving data from the server
Programming socket servers
Binding a socket
Listening for incoming connections
Handling multiple connections
Looking back
A Telnet client in Python
A chat program
The chat server
The chat client
A. Newer Raspberry Pi Models
The Raspberry Pi Zero
The Raspberry Pi 3