


Serengeti III电子书

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作       者:A.R.E.Sinclair,Craig Packer,Simon A. R. Mduma等

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:95.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 家居/园艺/旅游



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Serengeti National Park is one of the world's most diverse ecosystems, a natural laboratory for ecology, evolution, and conservation, with a history that dates back at least four million years to the beginnings of human evolution. The third book of a ground- breaking series, Serengeti III is the result of a long-term integrated research project that documents changes to this unique ecosystem every ten years.Bringing together researchers from a wide range of disciplines-ecologists, paleontologists, economists, social scientists, mathematicians, and disease specialists- this volume focuses on the interactions between the natural system and the human-dominated agricultural system. By examining how changes in rainfall, wildebeest numbers, commodity prices, and human populations have impacted the Serengeti ecosystem, the authors conclude that changes in the natural system have affected human welfare just as changes in the human system have impacted the natural world. To promote both the conservation of biota and the sustainability of human welfare, the authors recommend community-based conservation and protected-area conservation. Serengeti III presents a timely and provocative look at the conservation status of one of earth's most renowned ecosystems.


ONE Introduction: Understanding the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem

TWO Historical and Future Changes to the Serengeti Ecosystem

THREE Paleoecology of the Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem

FOUR The Resource Basis of Human-Wildlife Interaction

FIVE Generation and Maintenance of Heterogeneity in the Serengeti Ecosystem

SIX Global Environmental Changes and Their Impact on the Serengeti

SEVEN The Multiple Roles of Infectious Diseases in the Serengeti Ecosystem

EIGHT Reticulate Food Webs in Space and Time: Messages from the Serengeti

NINE Spatial Dynamics and Coexistence of the Serengeti Grazer Community

TEN Dynamic Consequences of Human Behavior in the Serengeti Ecosystem

ELEVEN Human Responses to Change: Modeling Household Decision Making in Western Serengeti

TWELVE Larger-Scale Influences on the Serengeti Ecosystem: National and International Policy, Economics, and Human Demography

THIRTEEN Land Use Economics in the Mara Area of the Serengeti Ecosystem

FOURTEEN Propagation of Change through a Complex Ecosystem

FIFTEEN Who Pays for Conservation? Current and Future Financing Scenarios for the Serengeti Ecosystem

SIXTEEN Integrating Conservation in Human and Natural Ecosystems

APPENDIX The Main Herbivorous Mammals and Crocodiles in the Greater Serengeti Ecosystem


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