


Sorcery in the Black Atlantic电子书

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作       者:Luis Nicolau Parés,Roger Sansi

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:58.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Girls abused in London and torsos of black boys found in the Thames; African boys disappearing from school and child traffic in Africa; child sacrifice and Brazilian Pentecostal exorcism. Unrelated events are swiftly connected in an uncanny work of prestidigitation, including hitech digital images of torsos and forensic drawings of abused children. Les correspondances symboliques, Baudelaire would say, or contiguous magic, in Frazer’s more prosaic de*ion. It all could make sense, if we believe in our fears, suspicions, gossip, and prejudices. Furthermore, this incredible work of prestidigitation was engineered by two respectable institutions, known for their enlightened search of truth: the BBC and Scotland Yard. But where was the evidence that all these things were connectedThe “exorcism scandal” bewitched the media in Britain for the whole month of June, until some dissenting voices started to talk about a “racist witch hunt.” 5 By then, however, a population of hundreds of thousands of Africans, in particular Pentecostal Africans, was already under suspicion. “What if some of that was true?” some people still may ask. In fact, shortly before completing this introduction, the local London newspaper Evening Standard published a two-page report on an African church in the United Kingdom, with the title “Miracles and claims of baby-snatching,” mixing rumors of child trafficking, sorcery, syncretism, and extreme wealth. 6 That is how sorcery works: not by fully demonstrating its power, but by opening a possible doubt; one is never fully sure it is not true.

1 Introduction: Sorcery in the Black Atlantic

2 Sorcery and Fetishism in the Modern Atlantic

3 Sorcery in Brazil: History and Historiography

4 Candomblé and Slave Resistance in Nineteenth-Century Bahia

5 Chiefs into Witches: Cosmopolitan Discourses of the Nation, Treason, and Sorcery; The Pondoland Revolt, South Africa

6 Charlatans and Sorcerers: The Mental Hygiene Service in 1930s Recife, Brazil

7 From Enchantment by Science to Socialist Sorcery: The Cuban Republic and Its Savage Slot

8 The Logic of Sorcery and Democracy in Contemporary Brazil

9 Naming the Evil: Democracy and Sorcery in Contemporary Cameroon and South Africa

10 Families, Churches, the State, and the Child Witch in Angola

11 Sorcery, Territories, and Marginal Resistances in Rio de Janeiro

12 Witchcraft and Modernity: Perspectives from Africa and Beyond



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