


THE Affect Effect电子书

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作       者:George E. Marcus,W. Russell Neuman

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:83.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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two sections branch out to explore how politics work at the societal level and suggest the next steps in modeling, research, and political activity itself. Opening up new paths of inquiry in an exciting new field, this volume will appeal not only to scholars of American politics and political behavior, but also to anyone interested in political psychology and sociology.

Theorizing Affect’s Effects

PART I Putting the Affect Effect in Perspective

CHAPTER TWO Philosophical Psychology with Political Intent

CHAPTER THREE Political Cognition as Social Cognition: Are We All Political Sophisticates?

CHAPTER FOUR Emotional Processing and Political Judgment: Toward Integrating Political Psychology and Decision Neuroscience

PART II Micro Models

CHAPTER FIVE The Primacy of Affect in Political Evaluations

CHAPTER SIX The Third Way: The Theory of Affective Intelligence and American Democracy

CHAPTER SEVEN Affective Intelligence and Voting: Information Processing and Learning in a Campaign

CHAPTER EIGHT Identities, Interests, and Emotions: Symbolic versus Material Wellsprings of Fear, Anger, and Enthusiasm

CHAPTER NINE On the Distinct Political Effects of Anxiety and Anger

CHAPTER TEN Don’t Give Up Hope: Emotions, Candidate Appraisals, and Votes

Appendix A: Study Summary

Appendix B: Survey Question Wording and Variable Codes (ordered as they appear in the figure and tables)

PART III Macro Models

CHAPTER ELVEN The Road to Public Surveillance: Breeching Attention Thresholds

CHAPTER TWELVE Meaning, Cultural Symbols, and Campaign Strategies

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Testing Some Implications of Affective Intelligence Theory at the Aggregate Level

PART IV Next Steps in Research and Outreach

CHAPTER FOURTEEN Politics and the Equilibrium of Fear: Can Strategies and Emotions Interact?

CHAPTER FIFTEEN The Affect Effect in the Very Real World of Political Campaigns

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Cognitive Neuroscience and Politics: Next Steps



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