


Paleobiological Revolution电子书

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作       者:David Sepkoski and Michael Ruse

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:112.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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establishment of the modern synthesis in the 1940s and the pioneering work of George Gaylord Simpson, Ernst Mayr, and Theodosius Dobzhansky, as well as the subsequent efforts of Stephen Jay Gould, David Raup, and James Valentine, paleontology became embedded in biology and emerged as paleobiology, a first-rate discipline central to evolutionary studies. Pairing contributions from some of the leading actors of the transformation with overviews from historians and philosophers of science, the essays here capture the excitement of the seismic changes in the discipline. In so doing, David Sepkoski and Michael Ruse harness the energy of the past to call for further study of the conceptual development of modern paleobiology.


INTRODUCTION Paleontology at the High Table

* I * Major Innovations in Paleobiology

CHAPTER ONE The Emergence of Paleobiology

CHAPTER TWO The Fossil Record: Biological or Geological Signal?

CHAPTER THREE Biogeography and Evolution in the Early PaleoZoic

CHAPTER FOUR The Discovery of Conodont Anatomy and Its Importance for Understanding the Early History of Vertebrates

CHAPTER FIVE Emergence of Precambrian Paleobiology: A New Field of Science

CHAPTER SIX Dinosaurs at the Table

CHAPTER SEVEN Ladders, Bushes, Punctuations, and Clades: Hominid Paleobiology in the Late Twentieth Century

CHAPTER EIGHT Punctuated Equilibria and Speciation:What Does It Mean to Be a Darwinian?

CHAPTER NINE Molecular Evolution vis- à- vis Paleontology

* II * The Historical and Conceptual Significance of Recent Paleontology

CHAPTER TEN Beyond Detective Work:Empirical Testing in Paleontology

CHAPTER ELEVEN Taxic Paleobiology and the Pursuit of a Unified Evolutionary Theory

CHAPTER TWELVE Ideas in Dinosaur Paleontology:Resonating to Social and Political Context

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Reg Sprigg and the Discovery of the Ediacara Fauna in South Australia:Its Approach to the High Table

CHAPTER FOURTEEN The Morphological Tradition in German Paleontology:Otto Jaekel, Walter Zimmermann, and Otto Schindewolf

CHAPTER FIFTEEN “Radical” or “Conservative”? The Origin and Early Reception of Punctuated Equilibrium

CHAPTER SIXTEEN The Shape of Evolution:The MBL Model and Clade Shape

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN Ritual Patricide:Why Stephen Jay Gould Assassinated George Gaylord Simpson

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN The Consensus That Changed the Paleobiological

* III * Reflections on Recent Paleobiology

CHAPTER NINETEEN The Infusion of Biology into Paleontological Research

CHAPTER TWENTY From Empirical Paleoecology to Evolutionary Paleobiology:A Personal Journey

CHAPTER TWENTY- ONE Intellectual Evolution across an Academic Landscape

CHAPTER TWENTY- TWO The Problem of Punctuational Speciation and Trends in the Fossil Record

CHAPTER TWENTY- THREE Punctuated Equilibrium versus Community Evolution

CHAPTER TWENTY- FOUR An Interview with David M. Raup

CHAPTER TWENTY- FIVE Paleontology in the Twenty- first Century

CHAPTER TWENTY- SIX Punctuations and Paradigms:Has Paleobiology Been through a Paradigm Shift?



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