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Title Page
List of Illustrations
1 From Fragmentation to Forest Resurgence: Paradigms, Representations, and Practices
Part I. Conceptual Frameworks: Rethinking Social Lives and Forest Transitions: History, Ideologies, Institutions, and the Matrix
2 False Forest History, Complicit Social Analysis: Rethinking Some West African Environmental Narratives
3 Stories of Nature’s Hybridity in Europe: Implications for Forest Conservation in the Global South
4 Adam Smith in the Forest
5 Jungles, Forests, and the Theatre of Wars: Insurgency, Counterinsurgency, and the Political Forest in Southeast Asia
6 Mutant Ecologies: Radioactive Life in Post-Cold War New Mexico
7 Pan-Tropical Perspectives on Forest Resurgence
8 The Social Lives of Forest Transitions and Successions: Theories of Forest Resurgence
9 Paradigms Lost: Tropical Conservation under Late Capitalism
10 Effects of Human Activities on Successional Pathways: Case Studies from Lowland Wet Forests of Northeastern Costa Rica
Part II. Historical Ecologies: Human-Forest Relationships and the Erasure of History
11 Constructing Nature: Socio-Natural Histories of an Indian Forest
12 Culturing the Rainforest: The Kelabit Highlands of Sarawak
13 Residual Effects of Agroforestry Activities at Dos Hombres, a Classic Period Maya Site in Belize
14 Forest as Faunal Enclave: Endangerment, Ecology, and Exclusion in India
15 Amazonia: The Historical Ecology of a Domesticated Landscape
Part III. Market Dynamics: Market Dynamics and Regional Change
16 The Fate of the Branded Forest: Science, Violence, and Seduction in the World of Teak
17 Gendered Knowledge and the African Shea-Nut Tree
18 Ancient Forest Tea: How Globalization Turned Backward Minorities into Green Marketing Innovators
19 The Production of Forests: Tree Cover Transitions in Northern Thailand, Northern Laos, and Southern China
20 From Swidden to Rubber: Transforming Landscape and Livelihoods in Mountainous Northern Laos
Part IV. Institutions: Institutions: The Secret Lives of Forests
21 A Forest for My Kingdom? “Forest Rent” and the Politics of History in Asante (Ghana)
22 The Invisible Map: Community Tenure Rights
23 Re-Greening the Sahel: Linking Adaptation to Climate Change, Poverty Reduction, and Sustainable Development in Drylands
Part V. The Urban Matrix: Urban Ecologies
24 Amazonia 1492: Pristine Forest or Cultural Parkland?
25 Urban Residence, Rural Employment, and the Future of Amazonian Forests
26 From Fallow Timber to Urban Housing: Family Forestry and Tablilla Production in Peru
27 Forest Resources, City Services: Globalization, Household Networks, and Urbanization in the Amazon Estuary
28 Chicago Wilderness: Integrating Biological and Social Diversity in the Urban Garden