


History of the Twentieth Century in 100 Maps电子书

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作       者:Bryars, Tim

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:41.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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The twentieth century was a golden age of mapmaking, an era of cartographic boom. Maps proliferated and permeated almost every aspect of daily life, not only chronicling geography and history but also charting and conveying myriad political and social agendas. Here Tim Bryars and Tom Harper select one hundred maps from the millions printed, drawn, or otherwise constructed during the twentieth century and recount through them a narrative of the century's key events and developments.?As Bryars and Harper reveal, maps make ideal narrators, and the maps in this book tell the story of the 1900s-which saw two world wars, the Great Depression, the Swinging Sixties, the Cold War, feminism, leisure, and the Internet. Several of the maps have already gained recognition for their historical significance-for example, Harry Beck's iconic London Underground map-but the majority of maps on these pages have rarely, if ever, been seen in print since they first appeared. There are maps that were printed on handkerchiefs and on the endpapers of books; maps that were used in advertising or propaganda; maps that were strictly official and those that were entirely commercial; maps that were printed by the thousand, and highly specialist maps issued in editions of just a few dozen; maps that were envisaged as permanent keepsakes of major events, and maps that were relevant for a matter of hours or days.?As much a pleasure to view as it is to read, A History of the Twentieth Century in 100 Maps celebrates the visual variety of twentieth century maps and the hilarious, shocking, or poignant narratives of the individuals and institutions caught up in their production and use.



Title Page





A Weary Titan? 1900–1918

1900: A Trip to the Continent: Edwardian tourism

1900: ‘Better than nothing at all’: mapping the Boer War

1901: A glue spread increasingly thin: the Navy League map

1901: Jewish East London: maps, statistical maps and immigration

1902: The relief of Ladysmith and attempts at rehabilitation

1905: The Railway Clearing House: South Wales coal and the logistics of rail

1907: A Map of the World, as Seen by Him: the golden age of the picture postcard

1907: ‘A pleasant narcotic’: opium and the Edwardian drug trade

1908: Philips’ model test maps: practical schooling for the heirs of empire

1908: How to Get There: the evolution of the London Underground

1910: Fire insurance plans: mapping a young Canadian community

1911: Ulster’s prayer: Ireland and Home Rule

1911: The Delhi Durbar: imperial pomp and pageantry

1914: Sketch map of an Antarctic adventure: Shackleton’s fund-raising appeal

1914: Hark! Hark! The Dogs Do Bark! Aggression and optimism upon the outbreak of war

1915: The Great War as seen from Warsaw

1915: Gallipoli: troop positions at Anzac Cove

1916: What Germany Wants The Berlin to Baghdad Railway and German ambitions in the Middle East

1916: A section of the front on the first day of the Somme

1918: An Ancient Mappe of Fairyland: make-believe against the backdrop of Armageddon

Top Dog! 1919–1945

1919: ‘A great moral effect’: the massacre at Amritsar

1920: Britain, Greater Greece and the Turkification of Asia Minor

1924: A miniature atlas of the British Empire: less is more

1926: A secret map of London: contingency planning for the general strike

1926: The Hundred Acre Wood

1927: Celestial bodies and holiday traffic: a cartographic guide to the solar eclipse

1929: A pictorial chart of English literature for the American tourist

1930: The Gleneagles map of the heart of Scotland

1930: Immigration and land settlement in Mandatory Palestine

1931: A map of New Zealand, Britain’s outlying farm

1933: Pieces of eight: a satirical cartoon of the world financial crisis

1936: Hitler’s ‘best Parteitag’: Nuremberg and fascist tourism

1937: A souvenir flag of the coronation of Edward VIII

1938: The Spanish Civil War: British neutrality and poor-quality maps

1940: Blitzed London: a Luftwaffe map of ‘Mayfair Square’ and the London County Council ‘bomb damage’ maps

1940: Occupied Paris: a tourist map for German troops

1941: A spy map for the Japanese submarine attack upon Pearl Harbor

1942: Vichy and the Churchillian octopus

1943: Blake’s Battle of the Atlantic

1944: On leave in New York: a subway map for British sailors

1944: A secret map of occupied Alderney

1944: D-Day and the Battle for Caen

1945: Isotype maps and women in the workplace

1945: Occupied Berlin: the U-Bahn and daily life in the ruined city

1945: Christmas greetings from Nuremberg

Bust to Boom to Bust. 1946–1972

1947: Partition and the end of empire in India

1949: Two maps charting the changing face of British railways

1949: Aquila Airways: austerity, government surplus, and the post-war travel boom

1951: What do they talk about? The British and the Festival of Britain

1952: A map of Caribbean oil

1953: The royal tour of the Commonwealth: an itinerary for the admiral

1953: Cruising on the ‘Green Goddess’: a transatlantic coronation celebration

1954: Tolkien’s map of Middle Earth: the entire story at a single glance

1956: Military mapping during the Suez Crisis

1957: Just testing: a nuclear blast over Southampton

1957: A tourist map of Alicante: Spanish holidays and the anticipation of paradise

1958: The world we live in: overpopulation and uninhabited wastes

1958: Land use and the creation of modern Hong Kong

1961: Bahía de Cochinos: a quiet little spot for an invasion

1962: ‘The European Community in Maps’: preparing the way for the UK

1964: A do-it-yourself general election map

1965: Glasgow residential land use: housing solutions for ‘Empire’s second city’

1967: A map of the proposed new town of Milton Keynes: the spirit of the age

1968: Earthly concerns: a photograph of the Earth and a medal of the moon

1971: Heritage in glorious colour: a football history map of England and Wales

1971: At face value: the map in conceptual art

1972: Four decades on: an attempt at the truth behind Bloody Sunday

Out of the Red and Into the Blue 1973–1999

1973: Maps of ‘Cherished land’ and Industrial expansion

1974: ‘From Liverpool to the World’: the birth of Beatles tourism

1975: Nuclear power and the gamut of public opinion

1975: The North Sea oil bonanza

1977: April Fool’s Day and the newspaper hoax: the islands of San Serriffe

1977: The Silver Jubilee beacons: evoking the spirit of 1588

1978: Colonial mapping and the Rhodesian Bush War

1980: Happy Eater: catering for Britain’s A roads

1981: Drinking and driving: fifteen inns of character in Kent

1981: ‘Islands of the Blessed’: a socialist map of tax havens

1982: FAGA and the Falklands

1982: Gay London

1984: A map of George Orwell’s ‘1984’

1984: A CND operations map: guerilla warfare on Salisbury Plain

1985: The guitar and the continent: the Live Aid logo

1986: Hunting with dogs: a map of landed Britain

1986: The growth of the supermarket: a map for expansion

1989: SimCity: video games and urban planning for fun

1990: Tribal maps in Belfast

1991: Public and secret maps of the Gulf War

1992: Soviet Sunderland: part of a global mapping project

1994: Walt Disney World: the suburb where dreams come true

1995: A map of Internet traffic: information beautiful and useful

1995: Where will they draw the line? Tobacco advertising and the death of the smoker

1995: A New Social Atlas of Britain: turning statistics into pictures

1996: The Mercator Atlas of Europe: old maps as investments

1997: The geography of mourning: a newspaper maps the public funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales

1997: The Glastonbury Festival: the image, the reality and the Criminal Justice Act

1999: A cartographic chronicle of the fall of Yugoslavia

1999: Millennium tapestry map: Britain’s communities



List of Maps

Further Reading

Picture Credits


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