


Undertones of War电子书

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作       者:Blunden, Edmund

出  版  社:University of Chicago Press


字       数:40.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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"e;I took my road with no little pride of fear; one morning I feared very sharply, as I saw what looked like a rising shroud over a wooden cross in the clustering mist. Horror! But on a closer study I realized that the apparition was only a flannel gas helmet. . . . What an age since 1914!"e;In Undertones of War, one of the finest autobiographies to come out of World War I, the acclaimed poet Edmund Blunden records his devastating experiences in combat. After enlisting at the age of twenty, he took part in the disastrous battles at the Somme, Ypres, and Passchendaele, describing them as "e;murder, not only to the troops but to their singing faiths and hopes."e;All the horrors of trench warfare, all the absurdity and feeble attempts to make sense of the fighting, all the strangeness of observing war as a writer-of being simultaneously soldier and poet-pervade Blunden's memoir. In steely-eyed prose as richly allusive as any poetry, he tells of the endurance and despair found among the men of his battalion, including the harrowing acts of bravery that won him the Military Cross.Now back in print for American readers, the volume includes a selection of Blunden's war poems that unflinchingly juxtapose death in the trenches with the beauty of Flanders's fields. Undertones of War deserves a place on anyone's bookshelf between Siegfried Sassoon's poetry and Robert Graves's Goodbye to All That.



Title Page

About the Author

About the Book





Preface to the Second Edition

i. The Path without Primroses

ii. Trench Education

iii. The Cherry Orchard

iv. The Sudden Depths

v. Contrasts

vi. Specimen of the War of Attrition

vii. Steel Helmets for All

viii. The Calm

ix. The Storm

x. A Home from Home

xi. Very Secret

xii. Cæsar Went into Winter Quarters

xiii. The Impossible Happens

xiv. An Ypres Christmas

xv. Theatre of War

xvi. A German Performance

xvii. Departures

xviii. Domesticities

xix. The Spring Passes

xx. Like Samson in his Wrath

xxi. The Crash of Pillars

xxii. Backwaters

xxiii. The Cataract

xxiv. 1917 in Fading Light

xxv. Coming of Age

xxvi. School, not at Wittenberg

xxvii. My Luck

A Supplement of Poetical Interpretations and Variations

A House in Festubert

The Guard’s Mistake

Two Voices



Preparations for Victory

Come On, My Lucky Lads

At Senlis Once

The Zonnebeke Road

Trench Raid near Hooge

Concert Party: Busseboom

Rural Economy

E. W. T.: On the Death of his Betty

Battalion in Rest

Vlamertinghe: Passing the Chatêau, July, 1917

Third Ypres


The Welcome

Gouzeaucourt: The Deceitful Calm

The Prophet

II Peter ii, 22


La Quinque Rue

The Ancre at Hamel: Afterwards

‘Trench Nomenclature’

A. G. A. V.

Their Very Memory

On Reading that the Rebuilding of Ypres approached Completion

Another Journey from Béthune to Cuinchy

Flanders Now

Return of the Native

The Watchers

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