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Title Page
What is the difference between a medium and a psychic?
When did you first start talking with dead people?
When did you first tell someone about the things you “knew”?
Why does mediumship run in families?
How did being psychic affect you growing up?
How did your parents help you to deal with this ability?
Did you begin doing readings as soon as you began to understand your gift?
How did you “come out,” so to speak, as a medium?
How did your husband react to the news that you talk to the dead?
Was there one event that made you go public?
When you meet new people do you always introduce yourself as a medium?
Sometimes I experience déjà vu or feel as if I predicted events that came to pass, does this mean that I am psychic? How can I know if my abilities are ordinary or extraordinary?
What happens to us when we die?
Is there a heaven?
When we cross over is there really a “God” to meet?
Wait, wait, wait—are you saying definitively that God is a He?
What do we look like when we die?
What is there to do on the Other Side?
Can you explain what a near-death experience is about?
Is an NDE just something that accidentally happens? Or is there a reason that certain people are chosen to “almost die”?
What about someone in a coma? Are they trying to cross? Can or do they stay here for us?
Have you ever done a reading where you heard from someone who technically was still living?
If it’s someone’s time, can they decide not to go?
How is it decided who will greet us on the Other Side?
Do the dead know things about our pasts that they couldn’t have known while they were alive?
Do the dead judge the living?
How does religion work on the Other Side?
Do we worship God on the Other Side?
Does everyone go into the Light?
Do you believe there is such a thing as pure evil?
If people have had a violent crossing, for instance, if they were victims of murder, are they heartbroken in heaven or do they find peace?
If someone is killed violently, does he experience the trauma of his assault or is he whisked out of his body somehow so he doesn’t suffer?
Does someone who has crossed due to an act of violence want her killer brought to justice?
What is your understanding about the soul of someone who has committed suicide?
Is there anything we can do on this side to help loved ones who have committed suicide find peace?
Who are our guardian angels, and do we meet them when we die?
What is the difference between angels, spirits, souls, and guardians?
What is a spirit guide?
Are there bad, or fallen, angels?
What purpose would a fallen angel serve in this world?
How do our guardian angels protect us?
Besides protection, what other kinds of things do our guardian angels do for us?
Can the dead help us find things?
Do dead people watch us shower? Does Grandma know I like to do that in bed?
Is it possible to ask the dead for a moment of privacy? Can we have a “Would you please avert your eyes, Grams?” moment with the Other Side?
Do the dead have sex on the Other Side?
Is there such a thing as a “dirty old ghost”?
Do the dead remember having sex?
Do the dead miss their bodies?
When we choose to come to this side, do we get to pick our bodies?
What is it like on the Other Side? Is the Other Side actually a place?
Is there any color on the Other Side?
Is it crowded on the Other Side? Do we have to wait in lines?
Do the dead inhabit old houses?
Why is it that we hear about the dead haunting a particular place?
Are there souls who are “stuck” in limbo? How can a soul get out of limbo?
Is it hard for you to visit historic sites?
Do all places in which humans have lived hold vibrations?
Can the dead talk with one another?
Does everybody know everybody else there? Do we communicate with spirits we never knew on earth?
Do the dead still retain their five senses?
How do the dead get around?
Are the dead always with us—even on vacation?
Can the dead travel back in time?
Can they travel to the future?
What do the dead wear?
Do the dead ever try to give you fashion advice?
Do the dead appear in color?
Do the dead have emotions?
Do we still experience depression when we are dead?
Are our pets waiting for us on the Other Side?
Are pets the only animals on the Other Side, or do all animal souls go there too?
Are there spirits from other planets among the dead on the Other Side?
On the Other Side, can we communicate with animals, too, as we do with people here?
Is it true that cats are psychic and can see the dead? If so, are they the only animals that can do this, or do all animals see ghosts?
Do the dead go to ball games?
Even if the dead don’t bet on ball games, weren’t there a lot of happy Red Sox fans in heaven in 2004?
Do the dead go to bars?
Do the dead listen to music?
Do the dead keep a schedule?
Do the dead obey rules?
Do we know when it is our time to die?
Do the dead feel bad if we never visit them at the cemetery?
Do souls who have crossed miss us as much as we miss them?
Do the souls of our loved ones ever want to come back to us? Are they sorry they left?
Can you explain how you communicate with the spirits of people who have passed away? What is the physical process?
Do mediums receive messages through tarot cards?
Have you ever used a Ouija board?
How do you actually get the messages you receive during a reading?
How long does the typical reading last?
When a medium is requested to speak with a particular spirit, does that spirit get pulled away from whatever it was doing on the Other Side to come through?
Do you have any control over who comes through when you do a reading?
Can you zoom in somehow on a particular spirit? Can you choose who comes through?
Is it really necessary to ask your clients for their permission to listen?
Do you ever hear from people that your client doesn’t know?
Is it “safe” to be read in a group setting? Would a spirit ever reveal something that I might not want others to know?
Was there ever a time when someone came for a reading and you didn’t hear anything?
When you are reading for a large group are you ever confused about who is talking to whom?
Is there any difference between doing a reading for a man or for a woman?
Is it hard for you to be married to a non-believer?
Can the Other Side tell you if your partner is cheating on you?
Does a spirit still have the same personality as the person he or she used to be?
Do people on the Other Side age?
What might make a soul volunteer for a life that he knows will be cut short?
How can you tell if the message you convey is accurate?
Do you ever get a message wrong?
How do you deal with skeptics?
If psychics are “real,” why can’t they warn us about global disasters?
How do you handle it if you see or hear negative things from the Other Side?
Do you ever see that someone is going to be hit by a bus?
How should we use any messages we receive from a psychic? If we hear a message intended for someone else, how can we tell that person it’s for him without everyone thinking we’re crazy, or without upsetting the person it’s for?
Does a medium know when someone is lying? Do the dead whisper in your ear and help you read minds?
Can a medium use her ability for purposes that are not on the up and up? Would the Other Side, for example, cooperate if you wanted to spy on someone?
What kind of messages are most common, especially if someone does not come to you with particular questions in mind?
Are predictions made in every reading?
Do the predictions you make always come true?
How long does it take from the time something is predicted to the time it happens?
Do you remember the readings you give?
Do you ever go to funerals?
Do the dead attend their own funerals?
Are the dead upset if we don’t cry at their funerals?
Is there something the dead wish we’d do at a wake, funeral, or memorial ser vice?
Can you ever turn off the chatter from the Other Side?
How are you able to sleep after being woken up by a dead person?
It doesn’t bother you that dead people are always in your bedroom? How did you learn to be so unself-conscious?
How do the dead watch us if they aren’t physical and don’t have eyes?
If someone is read multiple times, will she hear different information? Is it best to have some lag time between our communications with the Other Side?
Are you ever concerned that clients might become addicted to readings and using communications from the Other Side to avoid living their lives?
Do the dead know our future loves?
Do they know who we will marry?
Does the Other Side ever arrange a love connection?
Can the dead keep us from making a mistake in a relationship?
Do my ex’s deceased relatives know that I’m still hung up on him? Will they tell my ex that I mooned over him for three years once we both get to the Other Side?
Is there really any such thing as soul mates?
Is there a soul mate for everyone?
Why do some of us find true love and others do not?
Is there anything else someone can do to improve their chances of finding true love?
Are we still married to our spouses on the Other Side?
Can you fall in love on the Other Side?
What about someone who never experienced true love or a loving relationship on this side? Will they know love when they cross?
If someone has lost her father, will he be there for her in spirit on her wedding day?
Do the dead rest?
You said earlier that souls who have had some physical problem when they crossed often want to report that they are now whole. Can you say a bit about that?
Do souls have any health issues on the Other Side?
Do the living have certain illnesses to teach us certain lessons?
Why do some recover from so-called terminal illnesses?
Do souls who have crossed in other centuries admire modern technology?
What do the dead say about future medical advances?
Do the dead ever help us to heal from illness?
When you are doing a reading, is there some signal the dead give you that signifies a baby is going to be born?
How do children arrive here?
Right from the beginning, does the baby have a mission for why it comes here?
Is it true that children are more prone to seeing visions of the dead?
Why is it that kids have the ability to communicate with the Other Side?
Is it possible to hold on to the ability to see the dead, or do all children (except those like yourself who are truly psychic) lose this ability eventually?
When someone tells his parents, “I didn’t ask to be born,” according to the Other Side, is this true or not?
Is it predetermined whether we will have children or not during this lifetime?
When the dead predict a birth could it actually be an adoption?
Can you bring messages from anyone who has passed on, even famous people?
What is different about reading for a celebrity?
Have you read for many celebrities?
What was your favorite celebrity reading?
If Tony Soprano were a real person, would you do a reading for him, or would you reject him because he was evil?
What was your most frustrating celebrity experience?
What was your oddest celebrity experience?
Can we be friends with celebrities once we cross over?
Can everyone hear dead people?
How can someone who is not a medium connect with the Other Side?
Can the dead speak to us in our dreams?
Do our deceased loved ones try to contact us on our special days?
Do the dead feel what we would consider an emotional response to communicating with us?
Can the dead kick soda cans and walk through walls like in the movie Ghost ?
How is it that the dead, in spirit form, can manipulate material objects on this side?
If we should be able to validate information in a reading, why isn’t it always clear or obvious?
How meaningful are coincidences in our lives?
Is there another word that you prefer to coincidence ?
Are the dead responsible for what we consider miracles?
When the dead want to validate their presence for us, do they always send a sign?
Does it work to set up a signal with a loved one so they can let us know for sure that we are hearing from them?
What are some of the ways the dead let us know they are around us?
Are there other signals that the dead commonly use?
If we connect something symbolically with a deceased loved one, when we see that symbol is it actually our loved one, or is it just a sign that they are sending to us?
If we get a sign or signal from the Other Side, how can we reply?
What is the truth about reincarnation? How does it work?
Are new souls ever created, or are we just a bunch of old souls that keep on recycling?
When a child is conceived, is that a new soul or not?
What happens when a baby is aborted, miscarried, or stillborn? Where does that soul go?
Why do some people live to an old age and others die young?
Will we ever get to the point where we no longer reincarnate?
Are all of us here to learn lessons?
Is there any way we can know what our own karma is, and what lessons we are here on Earth to learn?
Does our karma determine whether we are rich or poor?
If the Other Side is so wonderful, why do we make the decision to come back?
What do you mean by “soul growth”?
In order to evolve as a soul, is it absolutely required that we get along with everybody?
On the Other Side, are we expected to atone for our bad behavior here?
Does this mean we are meant to embrace those who have hurt us?
If we’ve been in a karmic situation in this lifetime with someone, will we see that person again in our next lifetime?
If a family member or loved one caused us tremendous emotional pain and suffering in this lifetime, are we irrevocably connected to them on the Other Side?
Do we have to accept their apologies?
Is there any kind of hierarchy in the afterlife?
Is there a reason why we meet every single person we meet in this life?
What is a spirit Master?
Are you afraid of death?
Have you ever worked with the police to help solve a case?
How do you feel about fictional television shows that portray mediums?
Is it troubling to you to hear the dead all the time?
Can you explain astral-travel?
Do you have to be a medium to step outside of your body?
What is your favorite aspect of being a medium?
What is one of the most important lessons you have learned as a medium?
Do the dead ever give you winning lottery numbers?
If a dispute arises when the estate of someone who has crossed is being settled, do they get involved in it? Do they take sides?
Has anyone ever ended a friendship with you when you revealed you could talk with dead people? If so, how did you cope?
Have people ever ended their relationships with you because they thought your dealings with the Other Side were unnatural?
Would you say you are “anti-religion”?
Does prayer save us or simply hold us captive?
What is the benefit of discovering the truth about the Other Side?
Do the dead know the secret to happiness here?
If you had your life to live over and you could choose whatever life you wanted, would you change anything?
Any final words of wisdom?
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