


In the Event of My Untimely Demise电子书

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作       者:Sack, Brian

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:21.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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When Brian Sack's mother passed away, he was left with a letter and a pink cardigan. The cardigan was promptly placed in a drawer, but the letter was pure gold. In just a few pages of fancy cursive, her posthumous dispatch offered the kind of guidance you would expect from a mother to her young son. And while he didn't necessarily follow all the advice, he never forgot how very important those words and that letter were to him. Decades later, on the verge of parenthood himself, Brian decided to write something for his own child, wanting a legacy, and not just a pink cardigan, to leave to his son. But far from the usual collection of advice, Brian has written a sharp, sage, warts-and-all survival guide to life.With quick wit and self-deprecating honesty, Sack draws from his experiences, tapping them for the humor within. Holding nothing back, he: Gives the skinny on relationships don't let the woman you love wander alone in France Commiserates about the death of the meritocracy wanting to sing doesn't mean you can Recounts his awkward entry into fatherhood you'll overcome your aversion to poo Offers firsthand advice avoid any bipolar lady with a drug-sniffing wonder-cat And argues that the Empire State Building is not a phallic symbol no matter what the professor said Every chapter takes on subjects ranging from the universal and mundane to the life changing and inevitable. With its funny and heartfelt musings from a father to a son, In the Event of My Untimely Demise is a delightful life primer for all of us.




Prologue: Dear Son

1. Change Starts at Conception

2. High, Reasonable Hopes

3. Trust Your Gut

4. Fight, Cub

5. We’ll Need to Talk

6. There Is a Light at the End of the Tunnel

7. Your Career

8. You Can’t Take It with You

9. Get Up, Get Out, and Go Where the Toilets Are Different

10. Gray Is Good

11. Deferred Pay

12. On Knots

13. Meet the Parents

14. Respect Your Elders, Wisely

15. Friends, Indeed

16. How I Am Different

17. Mortality’s in the House

18. What Old People Can Offer Us

19. Nobody Likes an Enemy

20. Live to Be Missed

Epilogue: Dear Son


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