


You Said What?电子书

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作       者:Fawcett, Bill

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:42.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A fascinating, fun, and fact-filled compendium of the greatest lies, deceptions, propaganda, and frauds ever perpetrated Throughout history from the dawn of man to the War on Terror governments, corporations, historians, and high-level braggarts of every stripe have freely engaged in the time-honored pastime of lying for fun and profit. You Said Whatis an endlessly entertaining and outrageously edifying look at some of the biggest whoppers of all time, chock-full of deceptions, trickery, and incredible untruths both infamous and obscure. The press conspiracies that protected FDR's legs, as well as JFK's sex addiction and failing health Lies that caused the Knights Templar fall, the Salem witch trials, and the Black Death Big lies that changed history: Vietnam's Gulf of Tonkin, the Cuban missile crisis, the Polish raid that kicked off WWII . . . and remember the MaineThe self-made, self-serving myths we still believe today of Davy Crockett, Lawrence of Arabia, and Napoleon Plus our own personal pick for History's #1 Biggest Liar . . . and much more! The lies will out! You Said Whatis an indispensable treasure trove of true falsehoods, and an irreverent introduction to the world's greatest lies and the liars who told them.


Title Page




Watergate: The Great American Scandal

Stalin's Big Lies

McKinley's Missionary Position

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere:

J. Edgar Hoover's Not-so-Red Menace

The Soviets Blink

Daley Country

The First Casualty of War Is Truth

James K. Polk's Fabrication to Congress

How the Roman Empire Lost Its Gallic Wars

Radio Raiders of the Polish Frontier

Murder Most Foul

Listening In

The Yellow Peril That Wasn't

The Magical Lies of Quicksilver

And U-2

How Not to Sell a War

Incident in Tonkin Gulf: The Dishonest Truth

Sink or Swim with Ngo Dinh Diem

King Hussein's Trust Issues

History Books Lie Too

Cleopatra: Looks Were Not Deceiving

Death on the Nile

Christmas-In May?

Witches, Devils, and Puritans in Massachusetts

So Humble in Green County, Tennessee, 1834


Seventy-nine Bridges

Village of the Damned

World War II's Master of Lies

Arms for Hostages?

But It Was in a Book...

This Is a True Story...Not

The Author of This Book Is...

The Janet Cooke Pulitzer Fiasco

Mark Hoffman's Forgeries and Murders

The New York Times's Khmer Rouge Story

The New York Sun's Six-Part Story on Life on the Moon

Trust Me, I Can Cure You

The Royal Touch That Healed

Grover Cleveland's Secret Dental Surgery

Dr. Albert Abrams and the ERA

The High-Voltage Cure-all

Bad Blood

FDR's Legs

Smoking Is Good for You

A-OK JFK: The Presidential

Killing by Bureaucracy

What Lies Ahead?

"We Are Here to Save the Holy Land

The Fake of a Fake

Tower of London: Not Really

Are My Arms Tired!

No Speak English

Eric Clapton's Undying but Temporary Passion

Vincent "the Chin" Gigante


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Other Books by Bill Fawcett


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