


Kate: The Making of a Princess电子书

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作       者:Joseph, Claudia

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:35.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Kate Middleton is the girl everyone wants to be. Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" Middleton is living a perfect Cinderella fairy tale. She is engaged to Britain's most desirable bachelor and now she's the future queen of England! Academically gifted and sophisticated beyond her years, this dark-haired beauty possesses the natural poise and impeccable breeding necessary for the wife-to-be of the heir to the throne. She has charmed Prince William and his circle and captivated the entire House of Windsor. Yet there is a history behind her polished veneer that would surprise any royal court observer an extraordinary, inspiring, and deeply moving tale of an impoverished working-class family that overcame deprivation and adversity to rise to the upper echelons of British society. Based on exclusive and intimate interviews with Kate's closest friends and relatives, and illustrated throughout with photographs, many published here for the very first time, Claudia Joseph's Kate: The Making of a Princess is a fascinating portrait of the extraordinary young woman who will be queen and the story of a family's remarkable journey from the mining villages of Durham to an apartment in the royal residence of Clarence House.


Title Page




Chapter 1 - The Harrisons 1837–98

Chapter 2 - The Harrisons 1901–53

Chapter 3 - The Goldsmiths 1837–1918

Chapter 4 - The Goldsmiths 1918–53

Chapter 5 - Dorothy Harrison and Ronald Goldsmith

Chapter 6 - The Middletons 1838–1914

Chapter 7 - The Luptons 1847–1930

Chapter 8 - Noel Middleton and Olive Lupton

Chapter 9 - The Glassborows 1881–1954

Chapter 10 - Peter Middleton and Valerie Glassborow

Chapter 11 - Michael Middleton and Carole Goldsmith

Chapter 12 - A Little Princess

Chapter 13 - At Marlborough

Chapter 14 - A Florentine Interlude

Photographic Insert

Chapter 15 - A Catwalk Queen

Chapter 16 - A Royal Flatmate

Chapter 17 - Cold Hands, Warm Hearts

Chapter 18 - Graduates at Last

Chapter 19 - The Real World

Chapter 20 - A Look of Love

Chapter 21 - The Break-Up

Chapter 22 - The Reconciliation

Chapter 23 - Back in the Royal Fold

Chapter 24 - Out of the Shadows

Chapter 25 - A New Princess

Appendix: Kate Middleton’s Family Tree


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