


Seldom Disappointed电子书

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作       者:Hillerman, Tony

出  版  社:Harper Perennial


字       数:51.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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When Tony Hillerman looks back at seventy-six years spent getting from hardtimes farm boy to bestselling author, he sees lots of evidence that Providence was poking him along. For example, when an absentminded Army clerk left him off the hospital ship taking the wounded home from France, the mishap put him on a collision course with a curing ceremony held for two Navajo Marines, thereby providing the grist for a writing career that now sees his books published in sixteen languages around the world and often on bestseller lists. Or, for example, when his agent told him his first novel was so bad that it would hurt both of their reputations, he nonetheless sent it to an editor, and that editor happened to like the Navajo stuff. In this wry and whimsical memoir, Hillerman offers frequent backward glances at where he found ideas for plots of his books and the characters that inhabit them. He takes us with him to death row, where he interviews a man about to die in the gas chamber and details how this murderer became Colton Wolf in one of his novels. He relates how flushing a solitary heron from a sandbar caused him to convert Joe Leaphorn from husband to widower, and how his self-confessed bias against the social elite solved the key plot problem in A Thief of Time. No child abuse stories here: The worst Hillerman can recall is being sent off to first grade (in a boarding school for Indian girls) clad in cute blue coveralls instead of the manly overalls his farm-boy peers all wore. Instead we get a good-natured trip through hard times in college; an infantry career in which he "rose twice to Private First Class" and also won a Silver Star, Bronze Star, and Purple Heart; and, afterward, work as a truck driver, chain dragger, journalist, professor, and "doer of undignified deeds" for two university presidents. All this is colored by a love affair (now in its fifty-fourth year) with Marie, which involved raising six children, most of them adopted. Using the gifts of a talented novelist and reporter, seventy-six-year-old Tony Hillerman draws a brilliant portrait not just of his life but of the world around him.



1. Papa’s Melon—and What Happened Next

2. Preparing for War

3. Boy to Man

4. The Second House

5. Considered Educable

6. Mama

7. The Adventure

8. Charley Company

9. The Sentimental Journey

10. At Last, the Real War

11. Crossing the Vosges

12. How to Get a Bronze Star Without Knowing Why

13. Life in the Mertzwiller Convent

14. The Worst (of Course) Winter Ever

15. Halls of Ivy

16. Now the Good Life Begins!

17. Death Watch at the Morning Press

18. Life in the City Different

19. Stranger in the Ivory Tower

20. Janet, Tony, Monica, Steve, and, Finally, Dan

21. Inside the Ivory Tower

22. Doer of Undignified Deeds

23. Crazy Bus vs. the Organization

24. The FAQs

25. Life Among the Flower Children

26. Back to the Dineh

27. That Detour to Zuni

28. Breakout Book

29. Finally Finding Moon

30. El Fin

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About the Author

Praise for Seldom Disappointed

Also by Tony Hillerman



About the Publisher

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