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1. Have a dream
2. Don’t listen to the dream-stealers
3. Just begin...
4. Chase the goal, not the money
5. Be the most enthusiastic person you know
6. Say yes
7. To be brave, you first must be afraid
8. ‘Them that stick it out are them that win’
9. That little bit extra
10. Never give up
11. There is no education like adversity
12. Know yourself
13. You can’t become a horseman until you’ve fallen off a horse
14. Pack light
15. Shedding the heavy unnecessary
16. Worry worries
17. Tents don’t repair themselves
18. Paddle your own canoe
19. Don’t assume
20. Dreams require sacrifice
21. Failure isn’t failure
22. Commit to ‘fail’
23. Honour the journey, not the destination
24. Beware the three Gs
25. Seek out the five Fs
26. The wind and the sun
27. To get, you have first to give
28. Experts should be on tap, not on top
29. Instinct is the nose of the mind – trust it
30. Storms make you stronger
31. Humility is everything
32. Laugh at yourself
33. Keep good company
34. Find a good guide
35. Seek out motivation
36. We all struggle with motivation sometimes
37. Be kind
38. No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care
39. Money is like a river: it has to flow
40. From those to whom much is given, much is expected
41. Never work again!
42. Stop ‘trying’!
43. Change your vocabulary, change your attitude
44. Let the mountain give you strength
45. No plan survives first contact with the enemy
46. Three key qualities ...
47. Be a volunteer
48. Ask a busy person!
49. Go to Fiji ... every day!
50. Keep grounded
51. Scouting principles to live by
52. Learning courage
53. Use time wisely
54. Take care of your possessions
55. The risk : reward ratio
56. Tentative is no power
57. Every time you surprise yourself ... you inspire yourself
58. Do not judge someone by their status
59. Creature comforts are only temporary
60. Don’t dwell on mistakes
61. Get out of your comfort pit
62. Two ears, one mouth
63. Let others shine
64. Lead by example
65. Fuel well, train regularly
66. The will to win means nothing without the will to train
67. Give it away!
68. Cheerfulness in adversity
69. When you’re going through hell, keep going
70. Sometimes an ember is all you need
71. How you speak about others speaks loudest about yourself
72. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude
73. When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade
74. Crisis = danger + opportunity
75. Light can only shine through broken vessels
About the Author
Books by Bear Grylls
About the Publisher