


A Survival Guide for Life电子书

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作       者:Grylls, Bear

出  版  社:William Morrow


字       数:15.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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From the world-famous survival expert,learn how to make everyday an unforgettable adventure Life in the outdoors teaches us invaluable lessons. Encountering the wild forces us to plan and execute goals, face danger, push our "limits," and sharpen our instincts. But our most important adventures don't always happen in nature's extremes. Living a purpose-driven, meaningful life can often be an even greater challenge. . . .In A Survival Guide for Life, Bear Grylls, globally renowned adventurer and television host, shares the hard-earned wisdom he's gained in the harshest environments on earth, from the summit of Mt. Everest to the boot camps of the British Special Forces: What are the most important skills to learn if you really want to achieve your maximum potentialHow do you keep going when all the oddsare stacked against youHow can you motivate a team to follow youin spite of apparent risksFilled with exclusive, never-before-told tales from Bear's globe-trekking expeditions, A Survival Guide for Life teaches every reader no matter your age or experience that we're all capable of living life more boldly, of achieving our most daring dreams, and of having more fun along the way. Here's to your own great adventure!



1. Have a dream

2. Don’t listen to the dream-stealers

3. Just begin...

4. Chase the goal, not the money

5. Be the most enthusiastic person you know

6. Say yes

7. To be brave, you first must be afraid

8. ‘Them that stick it out are them that win’

9. That little bit extra

10. Never give up

11. There is no education like adversity

12. Know yourself

13. You can’t become a horseman until you’ve fallen off a horse

14. Pack light

15. Shedding the heavy unnecessary

16. Worry worries

17. Tents don’t repair themselves

18. Paddle your own canoe

19. Don’t assume

20. Dreams require sacrifice

21. Failure isn’t failure

22. Commit to ‘fail’

23. Honour the journey, not the destination

24. Beware the three Gs

25. Seek out the five Fs

26. The wind and the sun

27. To get, you have first to give

28. Experts should be on tap, not on top

29. Instinct is the nose of the mind – trust it

30. Storms make you stronger

31. Humility is everything

32. Laugh at yourself

33. Keep good company

34. Find a good guide

35. Seek out motivation

36. We all struggle with motivation sometimes

37. Be kind

38. No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care

39. Money is like a river: it has to flow

40. From those to whom much is given, much is expected

41. Never work again!

42. Stop ‘trying’!

43. Change your vocabulary, change your attitude

44. Let the mountain give you strength

45. No plan survives first contact with the enemy

46. Three key qualities ...

47. Be a volunteer

48. Ask a busy person!

49. Go to Fiji ... every day!

50. Keep grounded

51. Scouting principles to live by

52. Learning courage

53. Use time wisely

54. Take care of your possessions

55. The risk : reward ratio

56. Tentative is no power

57. Every time you surprise yourself ... you inspire yourself

58. Do not judge someone by their status

59. Creature comforts are only temporary

60. Don’t dwell on mistakes

61. Get out of your comfort pit

62. Two ears, one mouth

63. Let others shine

64. Lead by example

65. Fuel well, train regularly

66. The will to win means nothing without the will to train

67. Give it away!

68. Cheerfulness in adversity

69. When you’re going through hell, keep going

70. Sometimes an ember is all you need

71. How you speak about others speaks loudest about yourself

72. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude

73. When life hands you a lemon, make lemonade

74. Crisis = danger + opportunity

75. Light can only shine through broken vessels

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Books by Bear Grylls



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