


33 Keys to Unlocking The Lost Symbol电子书

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作       者:Beyer, Thomas R., Jr.

出  版  社:Newmarket Press


字       数:16.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Ever since Professor Beyer read The Da Vinci Code, he became intrigued by Dan Brown's use of facts in fiction. He realized that an examination of the novel could be a tantalizing and entertaining entry into the world of research and evaluating information, and decided to make it the subject of his freshman seminar class at Middlebury College. Beyer and many of his students have followed Dan Brown's work ever since, and four years ago, Beyer began to anticipate and delve into the facts that would be the core of The Lost Symbol. Like millions of other expectant readers, he purchased a copy of the novel on its publication date, September 15, 2009. He read and analyzed it several times, and, at the urging of his publisher, focused on writing this handy, reader-friendly companion guide to The Lost Symbol, in which he elaborates on 33 key topics and identifies 133 Internet links for even further exploration. The topics, organized by theme in seven sections, follow the plot of the story and cover the setting in Washington, D.C., art and architecture, cryptology, Freemasonry, secret teachings, science, and people and places in the novel, highlighted with 33 helpful illustrations.


Title Page




I. Names and Games

1. Robert Langdon

2. Mal’akh, Christopher Abaddon, Zachary

3. Peter, Katherine, Isabel Solomon

4. Word Games

II. The District of Columbia

5. The L’Enfant Design

6. The New Rome

7. The Triangle

8. Washington National Cathedral

9. House of the Temple

10. The Washington Monument

III. Art and Architecture

11. The Apotheosis of George Washington

12. The Three Graces

13. Melencolia I

14. The Capitol

15. The Obelisk and Pyramid

IV. Cryptology

16. Kryptos

17. Right Hand of Mysteries

18. Freemason Cipher

19. Dürer’s and Franklin’s Magic Squares

20. The Symbol Square

21. Cover Clues

V. Lost and Found Science

22. Noetics

23. The Field and The Intention Experiment

24. The Smithsonian Museum Support Center

25. Weighing the Soul and Total Liquid Ventilation

26. Modern-Day Science

VI. Freemasonry

27. Origins

28. Rituals and Symbols

29. The Founding Fathers

30. Masons in Power

VII. The Secret Teachings of All Ages

31. “The Invisible College”

32. The Hermetic Tradition and Manly Hall

33. The Bible

Sources and Resources

About the Author



About the Publisher


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