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作       者:Fabricant, M. Chris

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:124.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Busted! is a funny, smart, subversive worst-case scenario guide for casual drug users and their tolerant friends.It's the Bible on how not to get busted and what to do if you are. Using celebrity busts, outrageous everyman busts, and the author's professional experience, Busted! is everything you need to know about the criminal justice system, Drug War style, before it's too late. Like a Law & Order episode, the book takes the reader through a typical small-time drug possession case from committing the crime (the buy/recommending a dealer), to handling police encounters like a pro, to getting busted, to spending a night in jail, to fighting your drug bust, to pleading guilty, through trials and appeals, and, finally, punishment - with irreverent humor and expert advice all the way to the bitter end. Busted! also includes drug possession law for the house party, the rave, your roommate's stash; search and seizure on the street, in your ride, in your apartment, and up your ass. Drug War Driving Lessons covers DUI's and drugged driving; also learn how to make your phone call from jail count, how to ace your bail hearing, and protect your Internet privacy. The Dope Law Index includes possession law for marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine and methamphetamine for all 50 states. BUSTED! helps the casual drug user to know his rights, walk the thin grey line between legal and illegal and ultimately stay out of jail.


Title Page



The Drug War Cheat Sheet


Getting Wasted In The Drug War

Sex and Drugs

Part 1

Everything You Need to Know About Drug and Drug-Paraphernalia Possession

But Those Are Just Stems and Seeds, Man!

Fool’s Dope

Possesing the Good Shit

My Precious: Personal Dope Possession

But I Was Just Passing the Pipe, Officer!

Yeah, but I Was Only Borrowing this Cocaine, Officer!

This Isn’t My Underwear! That’s Not My Cocaine!: The Clueless Mule

Whose Dope Is This in the Bushes?

Stepping Behind the Scale: Possession with Intent to Distribute

The Kiddy Corner

She Looked Eighteen to Me, Officer!

Schoolhouse Rocks

The Community Dope: Constructive Possession

Busted for Your Roommate’s Stash

At the Hard-core House Party

Driving the Dopemobile: Who Goes Down for a Joint in the Ashtray? What About the Trunk?

Paraphernalia: From Coke Cans to Crack Pipes

Oh Yeah, Dude, That Would Make a Perfect Bong. Just Poke a Hole Right There, Put a Carb Right Here, and You’re Golden.

Growing the Felony Forest

Medical Marijuana: The New Civil War

Hookin’ a Brother Up: From Buying for the Bachelor Party to Recommending a Dealer

Aiding and Abetting Dope Possession

The Death and Dismemberment Section

Distribution Resulting in Death

Hey, Babe, Mind Shooting Me Up? I’m a Little Too Wasted to Poke Straight.

I’m Really Not Enjoying My Buzz Anymore. In Fact, I’d Like to Come Down Right Now. If I Pop By the Emergency Room Can I Get Busted for Being Loaded Out of My Mind on Some Silly Drug?

Part 2

The Incredible Shrinking Fourth Amendment

Pissing Away Your Fourth Amendment Rights: Three Deadly Sins

Close Encounters with the Police: From a Friendly Question to a Cavity Search

Street Busts

Ditching the Stash—Smooooth, Right?

Eating the Stash

Run, Junkie, Run!

Body Searches: In Your Pockets and Up Your Ass

Home Searches

Keep It in the Crib

Police! Open Up, Dirtball! We Know You’re in There!

Third-Party Consent to Search

Fed Ecstasy

The Student Handbook

Students’ So-Called Rights

High School Heads

The Party Section: From the House to the Fraternity to the Club to the Rave

The Hard-core House Party and the Fourth Amendment

Evil Beats: The Rave Scene vs. the Drug War

Drug War Driving Lessons

Keep It Out of the Ride

Packing for Your Drug Trip

Driving While Wasted

Okay, I Had Two Beers Six Hours Ago

Should I Refuse to Do the Field Test or Take a Breathalyzer Test?

Can They Force Me to Give a Blood Sample?

I’m Not Drunk but I’ve Been Doing Crystal Meth All Night. Will the Police Be Able to Tell?

Aiding and Abetting the Wasted Driver

Airport and Border Busts

The Airport: Abandon All Rights Ye Who Enter Here

Live by the Tats, Die by the Tats: Airport Fashion Tips

Behind the Gray Door: Profile of a Jet Set Doper

Crossing the U.S. Border

Getting Oblivious Abroad

The New Millennium Drug War: On the Internet, on Your Hard Drive, and in the Name of Fighting Terrorism


Dope in the Hard Drive

The Drug War and the War on Terrorism: Strangers in the Night, Exchanging Glances…

Drug Test?

Why Would I Object to a Drug Test?

The Gotcha! Drug Test…. Take It or Leave It?

Flying High Again: Priors and the End of the Fourth Amendment As You Knew It

Part 3


Rights? I Got Your Rights Right Here, Motherfucker!

Resisting Your Arrest and the Excessive-Force Experience

Carving Your Drug Bust in Stone: Booking

Jail/Holding Cell Hell

Defending Your Life: Bail Hearings

Part 4

Fighting Your Drug Bust, by Rush Limbaugh (Not Really)

Limbaugh Lesson #1: Choose Your Dope Wisely

Limbaugh Lesson #2: Protect Your Privacy

Limbaugh Lesson #3: Distance Yourself from Your Dope Supply

Limbaugh Lesson #4: Once Busted, It’s Time for Rehab, Baby

Limbaugh Lesson #5: Hire Top Talent (or the Best You Can Do)

Limbaugh Lesson #6: Abandon Principle

Limbaugh Lesson #7: Wait It Out

Limbaugh Lesson #8: Make a Deal

Part 5

The Suppression Hearing

The License to Lie

The Wink-and-Nod Prosecutors

The Wink-and-Nod Judges

Beg for Mercy, Punk: Pleading Guilty

There’s Been a Regime Change, Lawbreakers: Mandatory Minimums

Dealing with the Devil: Negotiating the Plea Agreement

Presentence Reports: The Fox News of the Criminal Justice System

Now Say You’re Sorry (and Act Like You Mean It, Punk Ass!): The Allocution

Accepting Your Plea

Your Quick and Painful Jury Trial

Why Wouldn’t an Innocent Person Testify?

Time to Get Religion, Baby: Time to Appeal

Now We Bring the Pain

The Consequences of a Drug Conviction That Go Far Deeper Than Your Cavity Search

You Want to Pretend This Never Happened?!: Expunging Your Arrest Record

The Busted! Ten Commandments

So That’S The Drug War. Let’S Be Careful Out There.

The Dope Law Index: The Bad News on Marijuana, Cocaine, Ecstacy, And Methamphetamine —From Alabama to Wyoming and D.C. too







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