


Drinking and Dating电子书

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作       者:Glanville, Brandi

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:24.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Feisty, funny, and almost fabulous: A relationship guide and collection of outrageous dating mishaps from the unfiltered and often inappropriate Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star. Welcome to Drinking and Dating . . . and how social media is ruining us all. In this honest, hilarious, and wild tell-all, reality TV starlet and number one New York Times bestselling author Brandi Glanville chronicles her misadventures stumbling through today's dating world. From felons to social media blunders and bedroom esca-pades, Brandi withholds nothing as she writes about the perils of getting back . . . on her back. Despite Brandi's life in the public spotlight, she has the same difficulty meeting, trusting, and even dating new people as the rest of us—perhaps even more. She hopes to develop a lasting, loving relationship, but it's been a struggle. With her signature tell-it-like-it-is voice, the single mother of two brings you along on her journey as the controversial but charming former fashion model shows her all-too-human side, candidly sharing the humorous and unforeseen ups and downs—literally and figuratively—in her search for love. Brandi Glanville is surprising, vulnerable, and outspoken, and her take on dating after heartbreak—and life in general—is as unique as she is. Just like Brandi herself, Drinking and Dating is sexy, funny, and eyebrow-raising—not that she can raise hers. #Botox.



Introduction: How to Get Screwed

Chapter 1: I Survived. Now What?

Chapter 2: Table for One

Chapter 3: Douche Bags, Part One

Chapter 4: So I Fucked a Movie Star

Chapter 5: Douche Bags, Part Two

Chapter 6: The Booty Call

Chapter 7: The Friend Box

Chapter 8: Dating and Parenting

Chapter 9: I’m Just Not That into You

Chapter 10: Drinking and Tweeting Again

Chapter 11: The Unicorn Chaser

Chapter 12: My “In Case of Emergency” Contact

Mom’s Epilogue: The Real Brandi


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