


A Curious Invitation电子书

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作       者:Field, Suzette

出  版  社:Harper Perennial


字       数:35.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Forty of the greatest fictional festivities as seen through the eyes of the world's greatest writers.People love to party. And writers love to attend and document these occasions. The party is a useful literary device, not only for social commentary and satire but also as an occasion where characters can meet, fall in and out of love, or even get murdered.A Curious Invitation is a humorous and informative guide to literature's most memorable parties. Some of these parties are depictions of real events, like the Duchess of Richmond's ball on the eve of battle with Napoleon in Thackeray's Vanity Fair; others draw on the authors' experience of the society they lived in, such as Lady Metroland's party in Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies; while others come straight from the writer's bizarre imagination, like Douglas Adams' flying party above an unknown planet from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.Witty, entertaining, and full of fabulous detail, A Curious Invitation offers readers the chance to crash some of the great parties in literary history.




Picking the Parties

1 - Trimalchio’s Dinner Party

2 - Gatsby’s Saturday Night Parties

3 - Queen Alice’s Feast

4 - Dmitri Karamazov’s Revel at Mokroye

5 - A Little Ball at Roxana’s House

6 - The Strange Fête

7 - The Ball at Mansfield Park

8 - Belshazzar’s Feast

9 - The Duchess of Richmond’s Ball

10 - The Onion Cellar

11 - The Chief of Police’s Reception

12 - The Beverly Hills Party

13 - Bilbo Baggins’s Eleventy-First Birthday Party

14 - The Ponteleone Ball

15 - The Symposium

16 - The Marquise de Saint-Euverte’s Musical Soirée

17 - Satan’s Rout

18 - The Lord Mayor’s Ball

19 - The Bacchanal of the Century

20 - Dick Hawk-Monitor’s 21st Birthday Party

21 - The Blossom Viewing Party

22 - Mrs Leo Hunter’s Costume Breakfast

23 - The Masque of the Red Death

24 - The Feddens’ 25th Wedding Anniversary Party

25 - The College Summer Ball

26 - The Anubis Orgy

27 - Lady Metroland’s Party

28 - The Warrior Feast

29 - The Fifth Avenue Party

30 - A Pooh Party

31 - The Manderley Fancy Dress Ball

32 - Mr Hosokawa’s 53 rd Birthday Party

33 - The Paris City Aldermen’s Ball

34 - Don Alejo’s Election Party

35 - The Society of Artists’ Fancy Dress Ball

36 - The Thomas Ewen High School Prom

37 - Finnegan’s Wake

38 - The Flying Party

39 - McMurphy’s Ward Party

40 - The Wonderland Banquet



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