


Daddy, Stop Talking!电子书

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作       者:Carolla, Adam

出  版  社:Dey Street Books


字       数:32.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Last Will & Testament of Adam CarollaI, Adam Carolla, being of beaten-down mind, declare this to be my Last Will and Testament. I revoke all wills and addendums previously made by me. (You guys never did listen, anyway.) Article II appoint the rest of the world's unappreciated dads as Personal Representatives to administer this Will. I bequeath to them the right to crack a couple cold ones in the garage after working their asses off all week and ask that they be permitted to watch all the porn they like and not have to change diapers and get dragged to every preschool "graduation" and PTA meeting. Article IITo my wife, I leave a safe-deposit box, the sole content of which is a note reading "Get a job. I'm dead," and my best wishes on trying to keep up with the unending demands of our houses, cars, dog, and kids.Article IIII devise, bequeath, and give my kids this book, Daddy, Stop Talking. Since you guys were the death of me, I leave you these pages of wisdom. But no cash, cars, or property. You've got to earn those. On that note, I further demand that the following message be placed on the marker of my grave: "You're All on Your Own Now. Enjoy."



Introduction: The Culture of Dad Shaming

Chapter 1: Daddy, Stop Talking!

Chapter 2: Your Home Is Not Your Castle

Chapter 3: Don’t Be This Guy

Chapter 4: Hey, Kids, Here’s a Note to Your Future Therapists

Chapter 5: Punished for Participation

Chapter 6: To Sonny and Natalia, on Buying Your First Car

Chapter 7: What I Learned from My Parents by Not Learning from My Parents

Chapter 8: To Sonny and Natalia, on Buying Your First House

Chapter 9: To Sonny, on Puberty

Chapter 10: iPads and iPods Are Fucking Up How iParent

Chapter 11: I’m Not Down with OPP (Over-Praise for Participation)

Conclusion: To Sonny and Natalia, on the Definition of Success


About the Author

Also by Adam Carolla



About the Publisher

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