


A Wedding Like No Other电子书

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作       者:Post, Peggy

出  版  社:HarperCollins e-books


字       数:21.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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Destination weddings planned in exotic locales, intimate weddings organized on a shoestring budget, full-scale galas with guests from all over the globe. . . . In A Wedding Like No Other, read the stories of some of the most incredible, romantic ceremonies and receptions collected by the wedding etiquette experts at the Emily Post Institute. As different as they all are, the stories featured here are examples of how a wedding can be heartwarming and unique even if everything doesn't go exactly as planned. In each one, the bride and groom make a determined effort for their wedding day to be an expression of their tastes and personalities, often in the face of unexpected obstacles. And in every case, the end result is a wonderful and memorable experience for the couple and for everyone else involved. Let these stories help inspire your own big day. The creative vows, cakes, toasts, and more described in these pages will spark your own ideas and help you personalize every detail of your wedding. Also, each story is followed by a short advice section, offering insights and general wisdom on a large variety of topics from picking the venue to selecting the menu. Go beyond the standard, the expected, and make your big day a cherished, uplifting, unforgettable experience. You already have a love like no other, so celebrate it with a wedding like no other.


Title Page



A Letter to Brides and Grooms

Part One

The Nor’easter

The World Turned Upside Down

Wine Cellar Magic

Part Two

Under the Canopy

The Ultimate “Do-It-Yourselfer”

A Community Celebration

Part Three

Marrying the Whole Family

Leap of Faith

A Traveling Reception

Part Four

The Wedding Feast

River of Dreams

From Russia with Love

Part Five

Special Touches

Going with the Flow

Your Wedding Your Way

Connecting with Your Guests

About the Authors

Other Books by Peggy Post and Peter Post



About the Publisher

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