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作       者:Nickson, Elizabeth

出  版  社:Broadside e-books


字       数:57.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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An investigative reporter documents the destructive impact of the environmental movement in North America and beyond. When journalist Elizabeth Nickson sought to subdivide her twenty-eight acres on Salt Spring Island in the Pacific Northwest, she was confronted by the full force and power of the radical conservationists who had taken over the local zoning council. She soon discovered that she was not free to do what she wanted with her land, and that in the view of these arrogant stewards it wasn’t really hers at all. Nickson’s long, frustrating, and eyeopening encounter with these zealots started her on a journey to investigate and expose the hugely destructive impact of the environmental movement on ordinary people and communities across North America—and the world. What she discovered is shocking. Forty million Americans have been driven from their land, and rural culture is being systematically crushed, even as wildlife, forests, and rangelands are dying. In Eco-Fascists, Nickson explores how environmental radicals have taken over government agencies at the local, state, and federal levels. The resultA wholesale sequestration of forest, range, and water—more than 40 percent of North America—impoverishing us all, especially the most vulnerable. This confiscation of America’s natural heritage is a major factor contributing to our current economic decline; until it is acknowledged and addressed, our economy will not recover. Nickson traces the tens of billions of dollars environmental nonprofits marshal every year to promote the notion that our essential natural systems are collapsing, and finds, in a brutal example of self-fulfilling prophesy, that their corrupted science is desertifying the heartland. She visits once-thriving communities that are turning to ghost towns because environmental legislation has forced mines, ranches, and mills to close and has forbidden critical forest, range, park, and wilderness maintenance. Eco-Fascists exposes the major fallacies of the environmental movement—from wildlife protection to zoning to forest-fire management—and introduces us to the individuals who are fighting back. Fast-paced, highly accessible, and sure to be controversial, this is a work that will change the national conversation about environmental protection and its impact.


Title Page




1 We Have Been Fooled

2 Green Fantasy Island

3 The Big Big Picture: Just How Much Land Has Been Saved, Anyway?

We Have Just Canceled Your Vacation

4 Crony Conservation

It’s All About the Salmon?

5 Inch by Inch: Biocentric Command and Control

Citizen Enforcers

6 The Vigorous Preening of Our Moral Betters

And You Thought the Law Was There to Serve You

7 It’s Not About the Salmon

The Green Apparatchiks

8 The Real Green Economy

You Have the Right to Pay Property Taxes

9 It’s Not About the Spotted Owl

An Abundance of Frogs, Snakes, and Water

10 Where Are All the Corpses?

Way Out on the Edge of Complexity

11 The Country Is Being Liquidated

The Ehring Bunker

12 High Noon in Owyhee: Rebellion Begins

Buffering Paradise

13 Leviathan Cloaked in Darkness


14 It Is All About the Water

15 What If It’s All a Lie?



Selected Bibliography


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