


Erasing Death电子书

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作       者:Parnia, Sam

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:58.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Contrary to popular belief, death isnot a moment in time, such as whenthe heart stops beating, respirationceases, or the brain stops functioning. Death,rather, is a process a process that can beinterrupted well after it has begun. Innovativetechniques, such as drastically reducing thepatient's body temperature, have proven to beeffective in revitalizing both the body andmind, but studies show they are only employedin approximately half of the hospitalsthroughout the United States and Europe.In Erasing Death, Dr. Sam Parnia presentscutting-edge research from the front line ofcritical care and resuscitation medicine thathas enabled modern doctors to routinelyreverse death, while also shedding light onthe ultimate mystery: what happens to humanconsciousness during and after death. Parniareveals how medical discoveries focused onsaving lives have also inadvertently raised thepossibility that some form of "afterlife" maybe uniquely ours, as evidenced by the continuationof the human mind and psyche in thefirst few hours after death. Questions aboutthe "self" and the "soul" that were oncerelegated to theology, philosophy, or evenscience fiction are now being examined afreshaccording to rigorous scientific research.With physicians such as Parnia at the forefront,we are on the verge of discovering a new universalscience of consciousness that reveals thenature of the mind and a future where death isnot the final defeat, but is in fact reversible.


1. Amazing Things Are Happening Here

2. One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind

3. The Formula of Life

4. Reversing Death

5. The Orphan

6. What It’s Like to Die

7. The Elephant in the Dark

8. Understanding the Self: Brain, Soul, and Consciousness

9. The Afterlife We Know

10. The Aware Study

11. What Does It All Mean?


Aware Study Collaborators

Bibliography and Resources for Further Reading

About the Authors

Praise for Erasing Death


About the Publisher

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