


Kindred Beings电子书

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作       者:Speede, Sheri

出  版  社:HarperOne


字       数:39.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Enter a world of tender friendships, staunch loyalties, violent jealousies and enduring love.As a child, Sheri Speede knew that she wanted to advocate for animals in any way she could. But it was not until many years after veterinary school, when she was transporting a chimpanzee named Pierre away from a biomedical facility as part of her job as a conservation advocate in Cameroon, that Dr. Speede discovered her true calling. She began to search for land for a forest sanctuary for captive chimpanzees that were held on chains and in small cages at local hotels.Dr. Speede eventually founded the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center, a forested home for orphans of the illegal ape meat trade. One chim- panzee, Dorothy, was rescued by Dr. Speede and her colleagues from a bleak existence imprisoned on a chain and forged a deep friendship with her. Dr. Speede explains how chimpanzees, like humans, are capable of a broad spectrum of emotional behaviors both hateful and loving. Dr. Speede also candidly reveals her own struggles as a stranger in a foreign culture trying to adjust to rural African village life. And she admits that unlike Dorothy, she was not always kind, gentle, and forgiving.Dorothy died of old age at the sanctuary, and a photograph of Dorothy's funeral, in which Dr. Speede cradled Dorothy's head while her family of chimpanzees mournfully viewed her body, went viral after being published in National Geographic. The world was surprised at the depth of the chimps' grief at the loss of their friend, but Dr. Speede was not. Through the chimps, she had come to understand the meaning of love, loyalty, and true connection.While this is a compelling story about the emotional complexity of the chimpanzees she rescued and befriended, it is also Dr. Speede's story. Major events in her personal life, including love affairs, dangerous run-ins with criminals, and the birth of her daughter, unfold as the development of her primate rescue center runs parallel to her own development. Ultimately, Kindred Beings is a story of profound resilience, of both the apes and the woman who loved them.




One: Road to Cameroon

Two: Commitment

Three: At the Atlantic Beach Hotel

Four: Mean Streets

Five: The Mbargue Forest

Six: Shackled

Seven: The Village

Eight: Nothing Works, but It All Works Out

Nine: Forced Seizure

Ten: Who’s the Boss?

Eleven: Fateful Alliances

Twelve: Challenges on My Side of the Fence

Thirteen: Pregnancy and Motherhood

Fourteen: Dorothy Finds Her Strength

Fifteen: The Unspeakable

Sixteen: Heroes

Seventeen: Necessary Trade-Offs

Eighteen: Farewell to Our Sassy Girl

Nineteen: Dorothy’s Legacy




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