


Buildbox 2.x Game Development电子书

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作       者:Ty Audronis

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:224.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build rich, high production value mobile games and distribute them across different platforms with Buildbox About This Book Create captivating 2D & 2.5D (isometric) video games for all platforms Leverage Buildbox to monetize and prepare your games for distribution This step-by-step tutorial will get you generating complex and media rich games with no coding experience Who This Book Is For This book caters to those who have an interest or desire to create their own mobile games either as a hobbyist or who are looking to enhance their skills as a professional games developer. No coding experience is required. What You Will Learn Create the illusion of a 3D background in your game using parallax Add advanced controls and obstacles to our first world Develop assets (graphic and audio) for the Buildbox engine Design games based on the capabilities and limitations of Buildbox and their target platforms Compile and distribute video games on various channels such as Steam, iOS store, Android stores, and the Mac App Store Optimize your games to get the absolute best quality within platform restrictions Conquer common issues experienced with Buildbox development In Detail Buildbox is an “any skill level” development platform to develop video games with no coding experience. It also exports these games to be compiled for any platform (from Windows to Mac to iOS to Android and Blackberry) all using the same graphic user interface. Using an example as a tutorial, we will relate the driving principles and you’ll see how you can implement these principles to develop any games on the platform. We begin by setting expectations and providing a brief overview of the software. But it’s not long before you “dive in” to creating your first video game. You will actually have a playable level (“world”) by the end of the second chapter. Later on, you’ll learn everything from basic graphics creation to advanced world design while you refine your first game, called “Ramblin’ Rover.” All along the way, you will see how certain functions could be used in tandem to create other types of games; hoping to spark imagination. We will follow the principles and process of monetization through ads and in-game rewards. Lastly, we will go through the process of exporting, compiling, and preparing your storefront to sell the games you will eventually create. Style and approach This book follows a tutorial-based approach that teaches through examples, while also providing the necessary principles to enable you to abstract these principles into any game you want to make.

Buildbox 2.x Game Development

Buildbox 2.x Game Development




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1. So, You Want to Develop a Video Game?

What Buildbox can (and can't) do

Limitations of games based on platforms

The platforms for Buildbox games

Defining some terminology

The equipment and software you'll need

Complete specifications of the development environment

PC (primary development machine)

Mac (for xCode compiling only)

Distribution channel memberships

Tour of the Buildbox interface

The welcome screen

The Creator screen

Basic settings

Gameplay settings

World settings

Menu settings

The world editor

The scene editor

The game field (the stage)

Object parameters

The library

Additional buttons

The Game Mind Map

The Atlas screen

The Game Preview screen


2. Orientation

Using the Game Mind Map

Making a game over screen

Changing your game fonts

Setting up a navigation button

Altering the template game

Working with graphic assets

Working with scenes

Working with worlds


3. Your First Game – Ramblin' Rover, Part 1

Keeping things organized

Naming conventions

Directory structure

Creating the game structure

The initial Game Mind Map

Placeholder objects and initial stage setup

Connections and parenting (the basics)

Stage borders (the game frame)

Preparing graphic assets for use in Buildbox

What exactly is a PNG file?

What bit-ratings mean

So, the rule is...

Image sequences

Recommended software for graphics assets

Setting up our rover

Creating our backgrounds

A summary of backgrounds and parallax

Collisions and obstacles

Placing the ground

Collisions and collision actions

Creating more instances

Working with scenes

Setting up testing controls

Testing and adjusting physics

Making the game easier to test

Adjusting the physics

Adding a new scene


4. Advanced World Design – Ramblin' Rover, Part 2

Making the rover jump

Physics obstacles

Making a loop

Making a secret level

Logic and effect assets

A whole new world

Dynamic obstacles - part 1

Rewards and pickups

Different worlds = different physics?

Gliese 581D



Lava jump

Moosquatch 001

Teeter secret portal

Bump jump

Conveyer chop

Shaman Moosquatch

Gliese secret level

Kepler 186F


Basic jump

Floating alien

Walking alien

Massive Mech



Kepler secret level


5. Menus, UIs, Sound, and More! – Ramblin' Rover, Part 3

We got a fever, and the only cure is more rovers!

What in the heck did we just do?

Damage and health

Creating a starting flag

Organizing your scenes

Menus and UIs

Game Field UIs

Setting up controls

Dynamic text (score indicators)

Game Over UIs

How to animate a menu

Computer animation 101

Animating the open

The Start UI (splash screen)

Main Menu and Worlds UIs

Character selection (Rover selection) UI

Finishing up our Menu UIs

The Info UI

Pause UI

How to play UI

Music and sound effects

Adding a musical soundtrack to your game

Adding sound effects


6. Monetization – Ramblin' Rover, Part 4

Separating a customer from their money

Free game, or paid game?

To have ads, or not to have ads?

Coin store

Implementing advertising

Signing up with a provider

Linking Buildbox to a provider

What are banners and interstitials?

Assigning ads to UIs

Building a coin shop (part 1)

Adding video rewards


7. Exporting and Compiling for Various Platforms – Ramblin' Rover, Finale

Optimizing game assets

Signing up for distribution

Google Play (Android part 1)

Amazon App Store (Android part 2)

Apple (iOS and Mac – iTunes)

Windows store and Steam

Finalizing project settings and exporting

Exporting and compiling for Apple iOS

Finalizing your dev settings on your Mac and iTunes Connect

The actual build and upload to iTunes

Final setup in iTunes Connect

In-App Purchases I

1.0 prepare for submission


General app information

In-App Purchases II - and creating a revised version of the app

Game center

App review information

Version release

Exporting and compiling for Google Play

Compiling in Eclipse

Finalizing Google Play

Uploading the APK

The Store Listing

Content rating

In-App products

Game Details


Exporting and compiling for Amazon App Store

Exporting and compiling for the Windows store

Compiling with Visual Studio

Exporting and compiling for Steam

Adjusting your game for Steam

Compiling for Steam using Visual Studio

Final Steam notes


8. Building Other Popular Game Types

Isometric (2.5D) games with Buildbox

Abstract games (such as Color Switch)

Flappy Bird – style games

Running shooter and platformer games

Space shooters

360 shooter games

Maze chompers (such as Pac Man)

Roaming enemies


9. Buildbox Tips and Tricks

Graphics optimization checklist

Tips for reducing graphics load

Music and sound optimization

Game template quick reference

Platform restrictions

Troubleshooting games

OMG... are we really done?!!

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