


Mastering Tableau电子书

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作       者:David Baldwin

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:381.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Master the intricacies of Tableau to create effective data visualizations About This Book Arm yourself with an arsenal of advanced chart types and geocoding to efficiently and engagingly present information Map a grid over a network node diagram and use that grid to demonstrate loads, processing time, and more in Tableau Integrate R with Tableau by utilizing R functions, libraries, and saved models Who This Book Is For If you are a business analyst without developer-level programming skills, then this book is for you. You are expected to have at least a fundamental understanding of Tableau and basic knowledge of joins, however SQL knowledge is not assumed. You should have basic computer skills, including at least moderate Excel proficiency. What You Will Learn Create a worksheet that can display the current balance for any given period in time Recreate a star schema from in a data warehouse in Tableau Combine level of detail calculations with table calculations, sets, and parameters Create custom polygons to build filled maps for area codes in the USA Visualize data using a set of analytical and advanced charting techniques Know when to use Tableau instead of PowerPoint Build a dashboard and export it to PowerPoint In Detail Tableau has emerged as one of the most popular Business Intelligence solutions in recent times, thanks to its powerful and interactive data visualization capabilities. This book will empower you to become a master in Tableau by exploiting the many new features introduced in Tableau 10.0. You will embark on this exciting journey by getting to know the valuable methods of utilizing advanced calculations to solve complex problems. These techniques include creative use of different types of calculations such as row-level, aggregate-level, and more. You will discover how almost any data visualization challenge can be met in Tableau by getting a proper understanding of the tool’s inner workings and creatively exploring possibilities. You’ll be armed with an arsenal of advanced chart types and techniques to enable you to efficiently and engagingly present information to a variety of audiences through the use of clear, efficient, and engaging dashboards. Explanations and examples of efficient and inefficient visualization techniques, well-designed and poorly designed dashboards, and compromise options when Tableau consumers will not embrace data visualization will build on your understanding of Tableau and how to use it efficiently. By the end of the book, you will be equipped with all the information you need to create effective dashboards and data visualization solutions using Tableau. Style and approach This book takes a direct approach, to systematically evolve to more involved functionalities such as advanced calculation, parameters & sets, data blending and R integration. This book will help you gain skill in building visualizations previously beyond your capacity.

Mastering Tableau

Mastering Tableau


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1. Getting Up to Speed – a Review of the Basics

The Tableau universe

Understanding the Tableau interface and basic terminology

Worksheet and dashboard creation

Worksheet creation

Exercise - fundamentals of visualizations

Beyond default behavior

Exercise - overriding defaults

Show Me

Dashboard creation

Exercise - building a dashboard

Exercise - adding interactivity to a dashboard

Connecting Tableau to your data

Excel and text files

Comparing and contrasting Native Tableau Driver and MS Jet Driver

Connecting to a Tableau Server

Exercise - observing metadata differences

Exercise steps

Exercise - connecting to Tableau Server

Connecting to saved data sources

Exercise - creating a local data connection

Measure Names and Measure Values

Measure Names and Measure Values - the basics

Exercise - Measure Names and Measure Values

Measure Names and Measure Values - shortcuts

Exercise - Measure Names and Measure Values shortcuts

Exercise commentary

Three essential Tableau concepts

Essential concept 1 - dimensions and measures

Exercise - dimensions and measures

Essential concept 2 - Row Level, Aggregate Level, and Table Level

Exercise - Row Level, Aggregate Level, and Table Level

Exercise commentary

Essential concept 3 - continuous and discrete


2. All about Data – Getting Your Data Ready

Understanding Tableau's data-handling engine

The Tableau Data-Handling Engine

Changing field attribution example

Table calculation example

DHE takeaways

Data-mining and knowledge-discovery process models

Survey of the process models


CRISP-DM phases

Focusing on data preparation

Surveying data

Exercise - surveying data

Exercise - extrapolating data

Exercise commentary

Cleaning the data

Exercise - cleaning the data

Exercise steps

Exercise commentary

Exercise - extracting data

Exercise steps

Exercise commentary


3. All about Data – Joins, Blends, and Data Structures

About joins

Complex joins

Exercise - observing join culling

Exercise steps

Exercise commentary

Data blending

Order of operations for aggregating and matching

Exercise - a data blend versus a left join

Exercise steps

Understanding the join

Understanding the data blend

No dimensions from a secondary source

Exercise - adding secondary dimensions


Exercise - enhanced forecasting via scaffolding

Data structures

Exercise - adjusting data structure for different questions

Exercise steps - part 1

Exercise steps - part 2


4. All about Data – Data Densification, Cubes, and Big Data

About data densification

Domain completion

How domain completion can be deployed

Exercise - activating domain completion in a crosstab part I

Exercise - activating domain completion in a crosstab part II

Exercise – activating domain completion via View Types

How domain completion is useful

Exercise - labelling nulls

When domain completion is a problem

Exercise - unwanted domain completion

Domain padding

Deploying domain padding via Show Empty Rows/Columns

Exercise - activating domain padding via Show Empty Rows/Columns

How domain padding is useful

Exercise - domain padding - filling date gaps

When domain padding is a problem

Exercise - from a domain padded visualization to a crosstab

Working with cubes

Exercise - using a data blend for continuous months when accessing a cube

Exercise steps

Exercise commentary

Exercise - using a data blend for hierarchies, aliasing, and grouping when accessing a cube

The deprecation of cubes

Tableau and big data

Exercise - a strategy for addressing Excel's row limitation

Massively parallel processing

Exercise - building a visualization with Google BigQuery

Exercise steps


5. Table Calculations

A definition and two questions

What is the function?

Directional and non-directional

Exercise - exploring directional and non-directional table calculation functions

Exploring each unique table calculation function

Exercises - exploring each unique table calculation function









How is the function applied?

Building a playground

Partitioning and addressing with one dimension

Partitioning and addressing with two dimensions

Partitioning and addressing with three dimensions


6. Level of Detail Calculations

Building playgrounds

Playground 1 - FIXED and EXCLUDE

Exercise - exploring FIXED and EXCLUDE - setting up the workbook

Inspecting the worksheet and initial setup

Exercise steps - exploring FIXED and EXCLUDE - understanding FIXED

Exercise steps - exploring FIXED and EXCLUED - understanding EXCLUDE

Exercise - exploring FIXED and EXCLUDE - understanding order of filtering

Exercise commentary

Playground #2 - INCLUDE

Inspecting the worksheet and initial setup

Exercise steps - exploring INCLUDE

Practical application

Exercise - practical FIXED

Exercise steps - practical FIXED - the problem

Exercise steps - practical FIXED - table calc solution

Exercise steps - practical FIXED - LOD solution

Exercise commentary

Exercise - practical INCLUDE

Exercise steps part 1 - solve by using an LOD calculation

Exercise steps part 2 - solve without an LOD calculation

Exercise commentary

Exercise - practical EXCLUDE

Exercise steps part 1 - solve by using an LOD calculation

Exercise steps part 2 - solve by using blending

Exercise commentary


7. Beyond the Basic Chart Types

Improving popular visualizations

Bullet graphs

Exercise steps for bullet graph – the basics

Exercise steps for bullet graph – beyond the basics

Making useful pies and donuts on maps

Exercise – pies and donuts on maps

Exercise steps for pies and donuts – the basics

Exercise steps for pies and donuts – beyond the basics

Pareto charts

Exercise steps for a Pareto chart – the basics

Exercise steps for a Pareto chart – beyond the basics

Custom background images

Exercise – creating a grid

Exercise – steps for creating a grid

Exercise – steps for using a grid to generate a dataset

Exercise – visualizing a chess game

Exercise – creating polygons on a background image

Exercise – steps for creating polygons on a background image


8. Mapping

Extending Tableau mapping capabilities without leaving Tableau

Exercise - displaying routes and calculating distances

Extending Tableau mapping with other technology

Exercise - connecting to a WMS server

Exploring the TMS file

The TMS file structure

Accessing popular map servers



Exploring Mapbox

Exercise - Mapbox classic

Exercise – Mapbox GL

Accessing different maps via a dashboard

Exercise – swapping maps

Creating custom polygons

Exercise - drawing a square around Null Island

Exercise steps

Converting shape files for tableau

Exercise – polygons for Texas

Exercise steps

Exercise commentary


9. Tableau for Presentations

Getting the best images out of Tableau

A brief survey of screen capture tools

Tableau's native export capabilities

The five export types

From Tableau to PowerPoint

Exercise – create a template

Exercise – create two dashboards

Exercise – create a PowerPoint presentation

Exercise – automating a weekly PowerPoint presentation

Embedding Tableau in PowerPoint

Exercise – create an interactive PowerPoint presentation

Animating Tableau

Exercise – creating an animation with Tableau

Exercise – using an animation to export many images

Exercise – using an animation in Tableau to create an animation in PowerPoint

Story Points dashboards for presentations

Presentation resources

Exercise – using Tableau dashboards to create a PowerPoint-like presentation


10. Visualization Best Practices and Dashboard Design

Visualization design theory

Formatting rules

Rule – keep the font choice simple

Rule - Trend line > Fever line > Reference line > Drop line > Zero line > Grid line

Rule – band in groups of three to five

Exercise – banding

Color rules

Rule – keep colors simple and limited

Rule – respect the psychological implication of colors

Rule – be colorblind-friendly

Rule – use pure colors sparingly

Exercise – using pure colors

Rule – color variations over symbol variation

Visualization type rules

Rule – keep shapes simple

Exercise – shapes

Rule – use pie charts sparingly


Make the dashboard simple versus make the dashboard robust

Presenting dense information versus presenting sparse information

Telling a story versus allowing a story to be discovered

Document, document, document! But don't use any space!

Exercise – tooltips for extensive help

Keeping visualizations simple versus exploring esoteric chart types

Dashboard design

Dashboard layout

Golden Rectangle layout

Quad layout

Small Multiple layout

Sheet selection

Exercise - sheet swapping pie charts and treemaps

Exercise – collapsible menu


11. Improving Performance

Understand the Performance Recording dashboard

Exercise - exploring Performance Recording in Tableau Desktop

Performance Recording dashboard events

Behind the scenes of the Performance Recording dashboard

Hardware and on-the-fly techniques

Hardware considerations

On-the-fly techniques

Exercise - pause/resume auto updates

Exercise - Run Update

Exercise - small extracts

Single Data Source > Joining > Blending

Three ways Tableau connects to data

Using referential integrity when joining

Exercise - referential integrity

When it's necessary or advantageous to blend

Exercise - necessary blending

Working efficiently with data sources

Tuning data sources

Primary and foreign keys


What is an index?

What should be indexed?

Working efficiently with large data sources

Intelligent extracts

Understanding the Tableau Data Extract

Constructing a TDE for optimal performance

Exercise - summary aggregates for improved performance

Optimizing extracts

Exercise - materialized calculations

Using filters wisely

Extract filter performance

Data source filter performance

Context filters

Dimension and measure filters

Table calculation filters

Exercise - late filter

Efficient calculations

Boolean/Numbers > Date > String

Exercise - an efficient and an inefficient way to determine N figure salary

Exercise - date versus integer

Additional performance considerations

Avoid overcrowding a dashboard

Fix dashboard sizing

Set expectations


12. Interacting with Tableau Server

Tableau file types

Tableau Data Source (.tds)

Tableau Packaged Data Source (.tdsx)

Exercise - publish a data source to Tableau Server

Tableau Workbook (.twb)

Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx)

Other file types

Tableau Server architecture

Tableau Server architecture approaches to avoid

Tableau Server architecture - TWB Centric

Tableau Server architecture - TWBX Centric

Tableau Server architecture approaches to adopt

Tableau Server architecture - TDS Centric

Tableau Server architecture - TDSX Centric

Tableau Server revision history

Tableau Server web authoring environment

Basic web authoring instructions

Exercise - edit an existing workbook on Tableau Server

Exercise - create a new workbook on Tableau Server

Exploring the capabilities and limitations of the Tableau Server web authoring environment

Exercise - the Tableau Server web authoring environment

Comparing and contrasting Tableau Desktop with the Tableau Server web authoring environment

User filters

Exercise - deploying a view level user filter

Accessing the Tableau Server Performance Recording dashboard

Exercise - exploring performance recording on Tableau Server


13. R Integration

Architecture, installation, and integration



Installing R

Integration - starting Rserve, connecting with Tableau, and installing RStudio Desktop

Using R functions

Exercise - reproducing native Tableau functionality in R


Exercise - correlation

Regression analysis

Exercise - regression analysis


Exercise - clustering


Exercise - quantiles


Give R what it expects

R Scripts are table calculations

Performance challenges


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