


Learning OpenCV 3 Application Development电子书

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作       者:Samyak Datta

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:128.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build, create, and deploy your own computer vision applications with the power of OpenCV About This Book This book provides hands-on examples that cover the major features that are part of any important Computer Vision application It explores important algorithms that allow you to recognize faces, identify objects, extract features from images, help your system make meaningful predictions from visual data, and much more All the code examples in the book are based on OpenCV 3.1 – the latest version Who This Book Is For This is the perfect book for anyone who wants to dive into the exciting world of image processing and computer vision. This book is aimed at programmers with a working knowledge of C++. Prior knowledge of OpenCV or Computer Vision/Machine Learning is not required. What You Will Learn Explore the steps involved in building a typical computer vision/machine learning application Understand the relevance of OpenCV at every stage of building an application Harness the vast amount of information that lies hidden in images into the apps you build Incorporate visual information in your apps to create more appealing software Get acquainted with how large-scale and popular image editing apps such as Instagram work behind the scenes by getting a glimpse of how the image filters in apps can be recreated using simple operations in OpenCV Appreciate how difficult it is for a computer program to perform tasks that are trivial for human beings Get to know how to develop applications that perform face detection, gender detection from facial images, and handwritten character (digit) recognition In Detail Computer vision and machine learning concepts are frequently used in practical computer vision based projects. If you’re a novice, this book provides the steps to build and deploy an end-to-end application in the domain of computer vision using OpenCV/C++. At the outset, we explain how to install OpenCV and demonstrate how to run some simple programs. You will start with images (the building blocks of image processing applications), and see how they are stored and processed by OpenCV. You’ll get comfortable with OpenCV-specific jargon (Mat Point, Scalar, and more), and get to know how to traverse images and perform basic pixel-wise operations. Building upon this, we introduce slightly more advanced image processing concepts such as filtering, thresholding, and edge detection. In the latter parts, the book touches upon more complex and ubiquitous concepts such as face detection (using Haar cascade classifiers), interest point detection algorithms, and feature de*ors. You will now begin to appreciate the true power of the library in how it reduces mathematically non-trivial algorithms to a single line of code! The concluding sections touch upon OpenCV’s Machine Learning module. You will witness not only how OpenCV helps you pre-process and extract features from images that are relevant to the problems you are trying to solve, but also how to use Machine Learning algorithms that work on these features to make intelligent predictions from visual data! Style and approach This book takes a very hands-on approach to developing an end-to-end application with OpenCV. To avoid being too theoretical, the de*ion of concepts are accompanied simultaneously by the development of applications. Throughout the course of the book, the projects and practical, real-life examples are explained and developed step by step in sync with the theory.

Learning OpenCV 3 Application Development

Learning OpenCV 3 Application Development


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1. Laying the Foundation

Digital image basics

Pixel intensities

Color depth and color spaces

Color channels

Introduction to the Mat class

Exploring the Mat class: loading images

Exploring the Mat class - declaring Mat objects

Spatial dimensions of an image

Color space or color depth

Color channels

Image size

Default initialization value

Digging inside Mat objects

Traversing Mat objects

Continuity of the Mat data matrix

Image traversals

Image enhancement

Lookup tables

Linear transformations

Identity transformation

Negative transformation

Logarithmic transformations

Log transformation

Exponential or inverse-log transformation


2. Image Filtering

Neighborhood of a pixel

Image averaging

Image filters

Image averaging in OpenCV

Blurring an image in OpenCV

Gaussian smoothing

Gaussian function and Gaussian filtering

Gaussian filtering in OpenCV

Using your own filters in OpenCV

Image noise


Implementing Vignetting in OpenCV


3. Image Thresholding

Binary images

Image thresholding basics

Image thresholding in OpenCV

Types of simple image thresholding

Binary threshold

Inverted binary threshold



Inverted threshold-to-zero

Adaptive thresholding

Morphological operations

Erosion and dilation

Erosion and dilation in OpenCV


4. Image Histograms

The basics of histograms

Histograms in OpenCV

Plotting histograms in OpenCV

Color histograms in OpenCV

Multidimensional histograms in OpenCV


5. Image Derivatives and Edge Detection

Image derivatives

Image derivatives in two dimensions

Visualizing image derivatives with OpenCV

The Sobel derivative filter

From derivatives to edges

The Sobel detector - a basic framework for edge detection

The Canny edge detector

Image noise and edge detection

Laplacian - yet another edge detection technique

Blur detection using OpenCV


6. Face Detection Using OpenCV

Image classification systems

Face detection

Haar features

Integral image

Integral image in OpenCV

AdaBoost learning

Cascaded classifiers

Face detection in OpenCV

Controlling the quality of detected faces

Gender classification

Working with real datasets


7. Affine Transformations and Face Alignment

Exploring the dataset

Running face detection on the dataset

Face alignment - the first step in facial analysis

Rotating faces

Image cropping -- basics

Image cropping for face alignment

Face alignment - the complete pipeline


8. Feature Descriptors in OpenCV

Introduction to the local binary pattern

A basic implementation of LBP

Variants of LBP

What does LBP capture?

Applying LBP to aligned facial images

A complete implementation of LBP

Putting it all together - the main() function


9. Machine Learning with OpenCV

What is machine learning

Supervised and unsupervised learning

Revisiting the image classification framework

k-means clustering - the basics

k-means clustering - the algorithm

k-means clustering in OpenCV

k-nearest neighbors classifier - introduction

k-nearest neighbors classifier - algorithm

What k to use

k-nearest neighbors classifier in OpenCV

Some problems with kNN

Some enhancements to kNN

Support vector machines (SVMs) - introduction

Intuition into the workings of SVMs

Non-linear SVMs

SVM in OpenCV

Using an SVM as a gender classifier



Common evaluation metrics

The P-R curve

Some qualitative results


A. Command-line Arguments in C++

Introduction to command-line arguments

Parsing command-line arguments


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