


Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development - Third Edition电子书

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作       者:Jonathan Peppers

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:57.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Develop powerful cross-platform applications with Xamarin About This Book Write native cross-platform applications with Xamarin Design user interfaces that can be shared across Android, iOS, and Windows Phone using Xamarin.Forms Practical cross-platform development strategies Who This Book Is For If you are a developer with experience in C# and are just getting into mobile development, this is the book for you. This book will give you a head start with cross-platform development and will be the most useful to developers who have experience with desktop applications or the web. What You Will Learn Apple’s MVC design pattern The Android activity lifecycle Share C# code across platforms and call native Objective-C or Java libraries from C# Create a real web service back end in Windows Azure using SQL Azure as database storage Set up third-party libraries such as NuGet and Objective Sharpie in many different ways, and port a desktop .NET library to Xamarin Use Xamarin.Mobile for camera, contacts, and location In Detail Xamarin is a leading cross-platform application development tool used by top companies such as Coca-Cola, Honeywell, and Alaska Airlines to build apps. Version 4 features significant updates to the platform including the release of Xamarin.Forms 2.0 and improvements have been made to the iOS and Android designers. Xamarin was acquired by Microsoft so it is now a part of the Visual Studio family. This book will show you how to build applications for iOS, Android, and Windows. You will be walked through the process of creating an application that comes complete with a back-end web service and native features such as GPS location, camera, push notifications, and other core features. Additionally, you’ll learn how to use external libraries with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms to create user interfaces. This book also provides instructions for Visual Studio and Windows. This edition has been updated with new screenshots and detailed steps to provide you with a holistic overview of the new features in Xamarin 4. Style and approach This book offers a tutorial style approach to teach you the skills required to develop end-to-end cross-platform solutions with Xamarin.

Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development - Third Edition

Xamarin 4.x Cross-Platform Application Development - Third Edition


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1. Xamarin Setup

Understanding Xamarin

Installing Xcode

Installing Xamarin on Mac OS X

Setting up the Android emulator

Installing Xamarin on Windows

Connecting Visual Studio to a Mac for iOS development

Enrolling in the iOS developer program

Registering as a Google Play developer


2. Hello, Platforms!

Building your first iOS application

Understanding Apple's MVC pattern

Using the iOS designer

Building your first Android application

Understanding Android activities

Xamarin's Android designer


3. Code Sharing Between iOS and Android

Learning the MVVM design pattern

Comparing project organization strategies

Setting up a shared project

Working with portable class libraries

Using preprocessor statements

Simplifying dependency injection

Implementing Inversion of Control


4. XamSnap - A Cross-Platform App

Starting our sample application concept

Developing our model layer

Writing a mock web service

Writing the ViewModel layer

Implementing our LoginViewModel class

Implementing our RegisterViewModel class

Implementing our FriendViewModel class

Implementing our MessageViewModel class

Writing unit tests

Setting up a new project for unit tests

Writing assertions


5. XamSnap for iOS

Understanding the basics of an iOS app

Xamarin.iOS Build Options

Using UINavigationController

Implementing the login screen

Using segues for navigation

Setting up UITableView

Adding a friends list screen

Adding a list of messages

Composing messages


6. XamSnap for Android

Introducing the Android Manifest

Setting up Material Design

Adding a login screen

Using ListView and BaseAdapter

Implementing the friends list

Composing messages


7. Deploying and Testing on Devices

iOS provisioning

Android device settings

Understanding the linker

Understanding AOT compilation

Avoiding common memory pitfalls


8. Contacts, Camera, and Location

Introducing Xamarin.Mobile

Accessing contacts

Retrieving contacts on Android

Looking up GPS location

Implementing GPS location on Android

Accessing the photo library and camera

Accessing photos on Android


9. Web Services with Push Notifications

Learning Windows Azure

Setting up your Azure account

Exploring Azure Functions

Creating and calling Azure Functions

Using HttpClient in C#

Adding more Azure Functions

Using the Apple Push Notification service

Setting up your provision profile

Setting up a certificate for push notifications

Making client-side changes for push notifications

Sending push notifications from the server-side

Implementing Google Cloud Messaging


10. Third-Party Libraries

The Xamarin Component Store

Porting existing C# libraries

Objective-C bindings

Java bindings

Using XPath in Java bindings


11. Xamarin.Forms

Creating Hello World in Xamarin.Forms

Understanding the architecture behind Xamarin.Forms

Using XAML in Xamarin.Forms

Using data-binding and MVVM


12. App Store Submission

Following the iOS App Store Review Guidelines

Submitting an app to the iOS App Store

Creating a distribution provisioning profile

Adding your app to iTunes Connect

Making an iOS binary for the App Store

Signing your Android applications

Submitting the app to Google Play

Google Play developer program policies

Tips for building a successful mobile app


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