


Alfresco One 5.x Developer’s Guide - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Benjamin Chevallereau

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:376.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Discover what it means to be an expert developer by exploring the latest features available to you in Alfresco One 5.x About This Book Create reliable and secure enterprise apps with the latest Alfresco One 5.x platform Explore all the latest Alfresco One 5.x APIs such as the CMIS API, Alfresco One API, and the integrated RESTful API to get more out of your enterprise apps Unleash the power of the latest JavaScript engine and the JavaScript API for Alfresco to customize your existing apps for the Alfresco 5 platform Who This Book Is For If you’re an enterprise app developer who wants to create custom applications with Alfresco, then this book is for you. Previous knowledge with Alfresco would be helpful but is not necessary. What You Will Learn Create and manage a custom content model Configure the Alfresco Share user interface Build a new AngularJS 2.0 application Create business process definitions using Activiti Designer Discover the most common extensions provided by Alfresco Configure Alfresco to authenticate against LDAP, including & chaining" LDAP with Alfresco authentication Get familiar with the latest features of Alfresco Mobile SDK, Smart Search, and the new Angular framework In Detail Do you want to create more reliable and secure solutions for enterprise appsAlfresco One 5.x is your gateway to developing the best industry-standard enterprise apps and this book will help you to become a pro with Alfresco One 5.x development. This book will help you create a complete fully featured app for your organization and while you create that perfect app, you will explore and implement the new and intriguing features of Alfresco. The book starts with an introduction to the Alfresco platform and you’ll see how to configure and customize it. You will learn how to work with the content in a content management system and how you can extend it to your own use case. Next, you will find out how to work with Alfresco Share, an all-purpose user interface for general document management, and customize it. Moving on, you write web *s that create, read, and delete data in the back-end repository. Further on from that, you’ll work with a set of tools that Alfresco provides; to generate a basic AnglularJS application supporting use cases, to name a few authentication, document list, document view. Finally, you’ll learn how to develop your own Alfresco Mobile app and understand how Smart Folders and Search manager work. By the end of the book, you’ll know how to configure Alfresco to authenticate against LDAP, be able to set up Single Sign-On (SSO), and work with Alfresco’s security services. Style and approach This book takes a step-by-step practical tutorial-style approach helping you create a complete enterprise app using Alfresco.

Alfresco One 5.x Developer’s Guide - Second Edition

Alfresco One 5.x Developer’s Guide - Second Edition


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1. The Alfresco Platform

Alfresco in the real world

Basic document management

Web content management

Content authoring tools

Separation of presentation from content

Systematic publication or deployment

Alfresco WCM example

Custom content-centric applications

Example used throughout this book

Alfresco architecture

High-level architecture


Open source components

Major standards and protocols supported

Customizing Alfresco

Basic customization


Custom site configuration

Rules and actions

Simple workflow

Advanced customization

Examples of advanced customizations

Extend the content model

Perform automatic operations on content

Customize Alfresco Share

Create a RESTful API

Streamline complex business processes with advanced workflows

Integrate with other systems

Dusting off your toolbox

Understanding Alfresco's editions

Significant feature differences

What's used in this book


2. Getting Started with Alfresco

Introduction to the Alfresco SDK

Maven archetypes

Install prerequisites

Spring Loaded



Install STS

Create your first application

Rapid application development

Traditional approach

Install Alfresco

Download Alfresco

Create your virtual machine

Deploy your modules

Check that your modules are installed

Extending Alfresco

Understanding the extension mechanism

Standard Java web application files

Framework files

Spring configuration files

Alfresco configuration files

Solution-specific files

Avoid Modifying Alfresco Code and Configuration



Step-by-step - debugging from within Eclipse

Node browser

Starting over


3. Working with Content Models

Defining SomeCo's content model

Step-by-step - starting the custom content model with custom types


Properties and property types


Step-by-step - adding properties to types

Step-by-step - relating types with associations


Step-by-step - adding aspects to the content model


Step-by-step - finishing up the model

Manage property indexing

Modeling summary

Custom behavior

Modeling best practices

Out-of-the-box models

Configuring the UI

Step-by-step - configure Share forms

Step-by-step - adding types and aspects to Alfresco Share dropdowns

Step-by-step - externalizing display labels

Setting up additional locales

Step-by-step - adding properties and types to advanced search

Working with content programmatically

Step-by-step - creating content with JavaScript

Knowing when to save documents

Using JavaScript for batch manipulation

Writing content to the content property

Creating content with CMIS

Step-by-step - run CmisClientClass to create content

Creating associations

Searching for content

Deleting content

Model manager


4. Handling Content Automatically with Actions, Behaviors, Transformers, and Extractors

Encapsulating content operations in actions

Step-by-step - creating a basic action

Hiding the action from end users

Creating actions that require user-specified parameters

Step-by-step - creating an action configurable in Alfresco Share

Specifying parameters when code executes an action

Binding logic to custom types with behaviors

Step-by-step - writing a simple behavior in Java

Binding to multiple types/aspects


Figuring out to which policies to bind

Step-by-step - writing a simple behavior in JavaScript

Binding behavior to child types

Step-by-step - writing a user ratings calculator

Step-by-step - testing the new rating behavior

Handling deleted ratings

Extracting metadata from files

Customizing metadata extractors

Step-by-step - customizing the metadata mapping

Overriding the default mapping

Leveraging out-of-the-box metadata extractors

Transforming content from one format to another

Step-by-step - writing a custom transformer


5. Customizing Alfresco Share

Knowing when to customize Alfresco Share and when to write your own

Adding new menu items

Step-by-step - adding a simple menu item

Adding new action items

Step-by-step - adding an action item to set the web flag

Restricting the action item by permission

Writing action evaluators to show/hide UI actions

Step-by-step - evaluating whether or not to show the set web flag actions

Changing how Share renders forms

Step-by-step - using a text area field

Step-by-step - changing the Status field on the Details page to display as a Stoplight indicator

Overriding and customizing components

How to use indicators

Step-by-step - creating indicators for the status indicator

How to create metadata template

Step-by-step - create a metadata template for Operations document

Creating custom dialogs

Step-by-step - creating a dialog to publish Whitepapers

Creating custom dashlets

Step-by-step - creating a dashlet listing Whitepapers

Step-by-step - adding filters to your Dashlet

Create custom pages

Step-by-step - create a new page to list all Webable documents


6. Creating an Angular Application

Understanding the framework


Prepare your environments

Step-by-step – creating the new virtual machine

Creating your first JavaScript application

Step-by-step – develop your first custom UI using the JavaScript API

Creating your first Angular web application

Step-by-step - installing all prerequisites

Step-by-step - creating your first Angular application

Step-by-step - running the Alfresco demo shell


7. Exposing Content through a RESTful API with Web Scripts

Introducing the Web Script Framework

Step-by-step - Hello World web script

What just happened?

Following the Model-View-Controller pattern

Adding controller logic

Configuring the Web Script Framework

Specifying the HTTP method

Specifying arguments

Specifying the response format

Deploying web scripts

Building solutions with the Web Script Framework

Planning the SomeCo whitepapers and ratings API

Retrieving data with web scripts

Step-by-step - writing a web script to list whitepapers


Fast facts

Organizing web scripts

Overriding web scripts

Choosing a URL

Choosing between the repository and the classpath

Step-by-step - retrieving the rating for a whitepaper

Specifying optional arguments

Handling errors

Writing Java-backed web scripts

Step-by-step - writing a Java-backed web script to handle ratings posts

Using the correct ID for Web Script Beans

Using both Java and JavaScript for controller logic

Wiring a web script to UI widgets

Step-by-step - using a widget to post ratings

Implementing the delete ratings link

Adding the web script calls to SomeCo's whitepaper web page

Making other types of content rateable

Dealing with the cross-domain scripting limitation

Handling form data

Step-by-step - implementing a form-based Hello World

Step-by-step - using file upload in a multipart request

Advanced web scripts

Dealing with web script authentication

Controlling web script cache


8. Advanced Workflow

What is a workflow?

Workflow options

Roll your own

Standalone engines

Embedded workflow engines

Creating process definitions

Step-by-step - creating a Hello World process definition

Using the Activiti graphical process designer

Step-by-Step - using Activiti process designer to create processes


Node types

Versioning process definitions

Using alternative deployment methods

Wiring a process to the Alfresco UI

Step-by-step - grabbing the Hello World argument from the user

Understanding workflow-specific content models

Assigning tasks to users and groups

Step-by-step - creating the initial Whitepaper submission workflow

Controlling what actions can be taken from the Task Management dialog

Enabling the Workflow Initiator to Select Users and Groups

Step-by-step - use dynamic user assignment

Adding Logic to Workflows with Listeners and Process Variables

Storing Data in Process Variables

Step-by-step - adding logic to the Whitepaper submission workflow

Getting access to the content in the workflow

Using multi-instances

Using the Activiti API

Step-by-step - implementing third-party review

Making the third-party review more robust

Using timers

Step-by-step - adding a timer to the third-party review

Debugging workflows

Comparing Alfresco workflow options


9. Amazing Extensions

Configure and use the search manager

Configure and use the Smart Folders

Step-by-step - create your own Smart Folder template

Alfresco mobile

Step-by-step - import and run the Alfresco Sample UI

Step-by-step - create SomeCo mobile application


10. Security

Authenticating and synchronizing with LDAP

Step-by-step - setting up a local OpenLDAP server

Step-by-step - configuring Alfresco to authenticate against LDAP

Step-by-step - configuring chaining

Setting up Single Sign-On (SSO)

Step-by-step - implementing SSO

Logging Out

Step-by-step - configuring CAS to use LDAP for authentication

Working with security services

Securing the admin user

Granting additional users admin rights

Creating users and Groups Programmatically

Step-by-step - creating users and groups through the Java services

Understanding permission definitions

Permission groups


Permission sets

Step-by-step - setting up a publisher custom role

Global Permissions

Mapping Permissions to Methods


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