本书用中英双语的形式反映了一个老外在中国的10年生活,内容生动有趣,文字轻松活泼。作者通过这本散文集将幽默的社会评论和在中国居住的生活图景,以及在中国遇到的趣闻乐事都表现得淋漓尽致,起到了民间大使的作用。书中诙谐的表述,充分体现了一位美国公民的幽默感,他向中国读者介绍了一个美国人对中国的看法和观。阅读此书,也能够让外国读者了解到中国的国情和中西方文化的差异。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>类似于一个汉堡掉饭碗里,既难堪窘迫,又别具一格,我富有想象力,成长在美国中西部,现在居住在中国,一个既让我着迷又让我迷惑的世界,试图在这里寻找自己的立足。《你好米饭我是汉堡》描述阿文(史密斯·凯文)在中国的许多亲身的经验。启一段欢闹、衷心的旅程,在通过一系列有洞见的或至少有趣的故事和散文,从一个外国人视角捕捉着中国生活。如同本书的书名:以一个轻松然而坦诚的态度,作者用中英文编写,希望缩小两个世界的文化上的差异。与此同时,这本书鼓励排除语言障碍,使用一种不是母语的语言行阅读与编写 。 Editorial Review/Book summary: Akin to dropping a hamburger into a rice bowl, an awkward, yet unique fit, an over-imaginative Midwest American tries to find his footing throughout the Middle Kingdom, a world he finds both bewitching and befuddling. Hello, Rice, I'm Hamburger describes his many circumstances as A'wen (Kevin Smith) experiences life in the China. Join him on this hilarious, and heartfelt journey through a series of insightful, or at the very least, entertaining stories and essays capturing life in China from a foreign perspective. Written in both Chinese and English by the author, A’wen hopes to narrow the cultural gap between the two different worlds in a light, yet frank manner as encapsulated in the book’s title. At the same time, the book hopes to encourage students on both sides of the language barrier to attempt to read and write in a language that isn’t their own. ……<br/>【作者】<br/>作者简介: 作为前社会工作者,并拥有心理学的教育背景,史密斯·凯文已经热忱地观察人类的行为很久了。十多年来,他在中国(广西北海、云南昆明、上海)居住、学习和工作。既当过老师,也当过留学生,从桌子前与后,他认识和见证了中国的独特教育系统。作为商人与热心的旅行者,凯文穿梭往来中国各个城市,从东岸的闪烁着满是摩天大楼的大城市,到中部地区好像被时间所遗忘的设施简陋的城镇和村庄。作为一位发表过文章的美食评论家,他有机会熟悉中国八大菜系。通过他的多姿多彩的经历,让凯文一步理解这国家既有深度又复杂的习惯和风俗。目前史密斯·凯文和他的中国老婆在上海居住。 About the Author: As a former social worker with an educational background in psychology, Kevin Smith has long had a passion for observing human behavior. He has lived, studied, and worked in China (Guangxi, Beihai, Yunnan, Kunming, Shanghai) for more than a decade. As a student and teacher, he has witnessed China’s unique education system from both in front of and behind the school desk. As a businessman and an avid traveller, Kevin has regularly criss-crossed the country, from the gleaming, skyscraper-filled cities of the east coast, to the trapped-in-time, one-horse towns and villages of the heartland. As a published restaurant critic, he has had the opportunity to familiarize himself with China’s eight major cuisines. From his unique experiences, Kevin has developed a better appreciation for the depth and complexity of the nation’s many habits and customs. Kevin Smith is currently living in Shanghai with his Chinese wife. <br/>