


Deep Learning with Keras电子书

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48人正在读 | 0人评论 9.8

作       者:Antonio Gulli

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:37.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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  • 读书简介
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This book starts by introducing you to supervised learning algorithms such as simple linear regression, the classical multilayer perceptron and more sophisticated deep convolutional networks. You will also explore image processing with recognition of hand written digit images, classification of images into different categories, and advanced objects recognition with related image annotations. An example of identification of salient points for face detection is also provided. Next you will be introduced to Recurrent Networks, which are optimized for processing sequence data such as text, audio or time series. Following that, you will learn about unsupervised learning algorithms such as Autoencoders and the very popular Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN). You will also explore non-traditional uses of neural networks as Style Transfer. Finally, you will look at Reinforcement Learning and its application to AI game playing, another popular direction of research and application of neural networks. What you will learn ?Optimize step-by-step functions on a large neural network using the Backpropagation Algorithm ?Fine-tune a neural network to improve the quality of results ?Use deep learning for image and audio processing ?Use Recursive Neural Tensor Networks (RNTNs) to outperform standard word embedding in special cases ?Identify problems

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Neural Networks Foundations


The first example of Keras code

Multilayer perceptron - the first example of a network

Problems in training the perceptron and a solution

Activation function - sigmoid

Activation function - ReLU

Activation functions

A real example - recognizing handwritten digits

One-hot encoding - OHE

Defining a simple neural net in Keras

Running a simple Keras net and establishing a baseline

Improving the simple net in Keras with hidden layers

Further improving the simple net in Keras with dropout

Testing different optimizers in Keras

Increasing the number of epochs

Controlling the optimizer learning rate

Increasing the number of internal hidden neurons

Increasing the size of batch computation

Summarizing the experiments run for recognizing handwritten charts

Adopting regularization for avoiding overfitting

Hyperparameters tuning

Predicting output

A practical overview of backpropagation

Towards a deep learning approach


Keras Installation and API

Installing Keras

Step 1 - install some useful dependencies

Step 2 - install Theano

Step 3 - install TensorFlow

Step 4 - install Keras

Step 5 - testing Theano, TensorFlow, and Keras

Configuring Keras

Installing Keras on Docker

Installing Keras on Google Cloud ML

Installing Keras on Amazon AWS

Installing Keras on Microsoft Azure

Keras API

Getting started with Keras architecture

What is a tensor?

Composing models in Keras

Sequential composition

Functional composition

An overview of predefined neural network layers

Regular dense

Recurrent neural networks - simple, LSTM, and GRU

Convolutional and pooling layers


Batch normalization

An overview of predefined activation functions

An overview of losses functions

An overview of metrics

An overview of optimizers

Some useful operations

Saving and loading the weights and the architecture of a model

Callbacks for customizing the training process


Using TensorBoard and Keras

Using Quiver and Keras


Deep Learning with ConvNets

Deep convolutional neural network - DCNN

Local receptive fields

Shared weights and bias

Pooling layers


Average pooling

ConvNets summary

An example of DCNN - LeNet

LeNet code in Keras

Understanding the power of deep learning

Recognizing CIFAR-10 images with deep learning

Improving the CIFAR-10 performance with deeper a network

Improving the CIFAR-10 performance with data augmentation

Predicting with CIFAR-10

Very deep convolutional networks for large-scale image recognition

Recognizing cats with a VGG-16 net

Utilizing Keras built-in VGG-16 net module

Recycling pre-built deep learning models for extracting features

Very deep inception-v3 net used for transfer learning


Generative Adversarial Networks and WaveNet

What is a GAN?

Some GAN applications

Deep convolutional generative adversarial networks

Keras adversarial GANs for forging MNIST

Keras adversarial GANs for forging CIFAR

WaveNet - a generative model for learning how to produce audio


Word Embeddings

Distributed representations


The skip-gram word2vec model

The CBOW word2vec model

Extracting word2vec embeddings from the model

Using third-party implementations of word2vec

Exploring GloVe

Using pre-trained embeddings

Learn embeddings from scratch

Fine-tuning learned embeddings from word2vec

Fine-tune learned embeddings from GloVe

Look up embeddings


Recurrent Neural Network — RNN

SimpleRNN cells

SimpleRNN with Keras - generating text

RNN topologies

Vanishing and exploding gradients

Long short term memory - LSTM

LSTM with Keras - sentiment analysis

Gated recurrent unit - GRU

GRU with Keras - POS tagging

Bidirectional RNNs

Stateful RNNs

Stateful LSTM with Keras - predicting electricity consumption

Other RNN variants


Additional Deep Learning Models

Keras functional API

Regression networks

Keras regression example - predicting benzene levels in the air

Unsupervised learning - autoencoders

Keras autoencoder example - sentence vectors

Composing deep networks

Keras example - memory network for question answering

Customizing Keras

Keras example - using the lambda layer

Keras example - building a custom normalization layer

Generative models

Keras example - deep dreaming

Keras example - style transfer


AI Game Playing

Reinforcement learning

Maximizing future rewards


The deep Q-network as a Q-function

Balancing exploration with exploitation

Experience replay, or the value of experience

Example - Keras deep Q-network for catch

The road ahead



Keras 2.0 - what is new

Installing Keras 2.0

API changes

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