


Machine Learning with Spark - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Rajdeep Dua

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:65.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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"Key Features ?Get to the grips with the latest version of Apache Spark ?Utilize Spark's machine learning library to implement predictive analytics ?Leverage Spark's powerful tools to load, analyze, clean, and transform your data Book De*ion Spark ML is the machine learning module of Spark. It uses in-memory RDDs to process machine learning models faster for clustering, classification, and regression. This book will teach you about popular machine learning algorithms and their implementation. You will learn how various machine learning concepts are implemented in the context of Spark ML. You will start by installing Spark in a single and multinode cluster. Next you'll see how to execute Scala and Python based programs for Spark ML. Then we will take a few datasets and go deeper into clustering, classification, and regression. Toward the end, we will also cover text processing using Spark ML. Once you have learned the concepts, they can be applied to implement algorithms in either green-field implementations or to migrate existing systems to this new platform. You can migrate from Mahout or Scikit to use Spark ML. What you will learn ?Get hands-on with the latest version of Spark ML ?Create your first Spark program with Scala and Python ?Set up and configure a development environment for Spark on your own computer, as well as on Amazon EC2 ?Access public machine learning datasets and use Spark to load, process, clean, and transform data ?Use Spark's machine learning library to implement programs by utilizing well-known machine learning models ?Deal with large-scale text data, including feature extraction and using text data as input to your machine learning models ?Write Spark functions to evaluate the performance of your machine learning models "

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Getting Up and Running with Spark

Installing and setting up Spark locally

Spark clusters

The Spark programming model

SparkContext and SparkConf


The Spark shell

Resilient Distributed Datasets

Creating RDDs

Spark operations

Caching RDDs

Broadcast variables and accumulators


Spark data frame

The first step to a Spark program in Scala

The first step to a Spark program in Java

The first step to a Spark program in Python

The first step to a Spark program in R

SparkR DataFrames

Getting Spark running on Amazon EC2

Launching an EC2 Spark cluster

Configuring and running Spark on Amazon Elastic Map Reduce

UI in Spark

Supported machine learning algorithms by Spark

Benefits of using Spark ML as compared to existing libraries

Spark Cluster on Google Compute Engine - DataProc

Hadoop and Spark Versions

Creating a Cluster

Submitting a Job


Math for Machine Learning

Linear algebra

Setting up the Scala environment in Intellij

Setting up the Scala environment on the Command Line


Real numbers

Complex numbers


Vector spaces

Vector types

Vectors in Breeze

Vectors in Spark

Vector operations


Vectors in machine learning


Types of matrices

Matrix in Spark

Distributed matrix in Spark

Matrix operations


Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Singular value decomposition

Matrices in machine learning


Function types

Functional composition


Gradient descent

Prior, likelihood, and posterior


Differential calculus

Integral calculus

Lagranges multipliers



Designing a Machine Learning System

What is Machine Learning?

Introducing MovieStream

Business use cases for a machine learning system


Targeted marketing and customer segmentation

Predictive modeling and analytics

Types of machine learning models

The components of a data-driven machine learning system

Data ingestion and storage

Data cleansing and transformation

Model training and testing loop

Model deployment and integration

Model monitoring and feedback

Batch versus real time

Data Pipeline in Apache Spark

An architecture for a machine learning system

Spark MLlib

Performance improvements in Spark ML over Spark MLlib

Comparing algorithms supported by MLlib




MLlib supported methods and developer APIs

Spark Integration

MLlib vision

MLlib versions compared

Spark 1.6 to 2.0


Obtaining, Processing, and Preparing Data with Spark

Accessing publicly available datasets

The MovieLens 100k dataset

Exploring and visualizing your data

Exploring the user dataset

Count by occupation

Movie dataset

Exploring the rating dataset

Rating count bar chart

Distribution of number ratings

Processing and transforming your data

Filling in bad or missing data

Extracting useful features from your data

Numerical features

Categorical features

Derived features

Transforming timestamps into categorical features

Extract time of day

Text features

Simple text feature extraction

Sparse Vectors from Titles

Normalizing features

Using ML for feature normalization

Using packages for feature extraction




Skip-gram model

Standard scalar


Building a Recommendation Engine with Spark

Types of recommendation models

Content-based filtering

Collaborative filtering

Matrix factorization

Explicit matrix factorization

Implicit Matrix Factorization

Basic model for Matrix Factorization

Alternating least squares

Extracting the right features from your data

Extracting features from the MovieLens 100k dataset

Training the recommendation model

Training a model on the MovieLens 100k dataset

Training a model using Implicit feedback data

Using the recommendation model

ALS Model recommendations

User recommendations

Generating movie recommendations from the MovieLens 100k dataset

Inspecting the recommendations

Item recommendations

Generating similar movies for the MovieLens 100k dataset

Inspecting the similar items

Evaluating the performance of recommendation models

ALS Model Evaluation

Mean Squared Error

Mean Average Precision at K

Using MLlib's built-in evaluation functions



FP-Growth algorithm

FP-Growth Basic Sample

FP-Growth Applied to Movie Lens Data


Building a Classification Model with Spark

Types of classification models

Linear models

Logistic regression

Multinomial logistic regression

Visualizing the StumbleUpon dataset

Extracting features from the Kaggle/StumbleUpon evergreen classification dataset


Linear support vector machines

The naive Bayes model

Decision trees

Ensembles of trees

Random Forests

Gradient-Boosted Trees

Multilayer perceptron classifier

Extracting the right features from your data

Training classification models

Training a classification model on the Kaggle/StumbleUpon evergreen classification dataset

Using classification models

Generating predictions for the Kaggle/StumbleUpon evergreen classification dataset

Evaluating the performance of classification models

Accuracy and prediction error

Precision and recall

ROC curve and AUC

Improving model performance and tuning parameters

Feature standardization

Additional features

Using the correct form of data

Tuning model parameters

Linear models


Step size


Decision trees

Tuning tree depth and impurity

The naive Bayes model



Building a Regression Model with Spark

Types of regression models

Least squares regression

Decision trees for regression

Evaluating the performance of regression models

Mean Squared Error and Root Mean Squared Error

Mean Absolute Error

Root Mean Squared Log Error

The R-squared coefficient

Extracting the right features from your data

Extracting features from the bike sharing dataset

Training and using regression models


Training a regression model on the bike sharing dataset

Generalized linear regression

Decision tree regression

Ensembles of trees

Random forest regression

Gradient boosted tree regression

Improving model performance and tuning parameters

Transforming the target variable

Impact of training on log-transformed targets

Tuning model parameters

Creating training and testing sets to evaluate parameters

Splitting data for Decision tree

The impact of parameter settings for linear models


Step size

L2 regularization

L1 regularization


The impact of parameter settings for the decision tree

Tree depth

Maximum bins

The impact of parameter settings for the Gradient Boosted Trees




Building a Clustering Model with Spark

Types of clustering models

k-means clustering

Initialization methods

Mixture models

Hierarchical clustering

Extracting the right features from your data

Extracting features from the MovieLens dataset

K-means - training a clustering model

Training a clustering model on the MovieLens dataset

K-means - interpreting cluster predictions on the MovieLens dataset

Interpreting the movie clusters

Interpreting the movie clusters

K-means - evaluating the performance of clustering models

Internal evaluation metrics

External evaluation metrics

Computing performance metrics on the MovieLens dataset

Effect of iterations on WSSSE

Bisecting KMeans

Bisecting K-means - training a clustering model

WSSSE and iterations

Gaussian Mixture Model

Clustering using GMM

Plotting the user and item data with GMM clustering

GMM - effect of iterations on cluster boundaries


Dimensionality Reduction with Spark

Types of dimensionality reduction

Principal components analysis

Singular value decomposition

Relationship with matrix factorization

Clustering as dimensionality reduction

Extracting the right features from your data

Extracting features from the LFW dataset

Exploring the face data

Visualizing the face data

Extracting facial images as vectors

Loading images

Converting to grayscale and resizing the images

Extracting feature vectors


Training a dimensionality reduction model

Running PCA on the LFW dataset

Visualizing the Eigenfaces

Interpreting the Eigenfaces

Using a dimensionality reduction model

Projecting data using PCA on the LFW dataset

The relationship between PCA and SVD

Evaluating dimensionality reduction models

Evaluating k for SVD on the LFW dataset

Singular values


Advanced Text Processing with Spark

What's so special about text data?

Extracting the right features from your data

Term weighting schemes

Feature hashing

Extracting the tf-idf features from the 20 Newsgroups dataset

Exploring the 20 Newsgroups data

Applying basic tokenization

Improving our tokenization

Removing stop words

Excluding terms based on frequency

A note about stemming

Feature Hashing

Building a tf-idf model

Analyzing the tf-idf weightings

Using a tf-idf model

Document similarity with the 20 Newsgroups dataset and tf-idf features

Training a text classifier on the 20 Newsgroups dataset using tf-idf

Evaluating the impact of text processing

Comparing raw features with processed tf-idf features on the 20 Newsgroups dataset

Text classification with Spark 2.0

Word2Vec models

Word2Vec with Spark MLlib on the 20 Newsgroups dataset

Word2Vec with Spark ML on the 20 Newsgroups dataset


Real-Time Machine Learning with Spark Streaming

Online learning

Stream processing

An introduction to Spark Streaming

Input sources


Keeping track of state

General transformations


Window operators

Caching and fault tolerance with Spark Streaming

Creating a basic streaming application

The producer application

Creating a basic streaming application

Streaming analytics

Stateful streaming

Online learning with Spark Streaming

Streaming regression

A simple streaming regression program

Creating a streaming data producer

Creating a streaming regression model

Streaming K-means

Online model evaluation

Comparing model performance with Spark Streaming

Structured Streaming


Pipeline APIs for Spark ML

Introduction to pipelines


Pipeline components



How pipelines work

Machine learning pipeline with an example



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