


How to Be a Husband电子书

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作       者:Tim Dowling

出  版  社:Fourth Estate


字       数:31.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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The much-loved Guardian columnist asks what it takes to make a husband, and looks to his own married life to provide the answer.* *Anything resembling advice should be taken at reader’s own risk. You’ll never get divorced if you never get married. Not even your granny minds if you live in sin anymore. And if you’re single you can choose curtains without somebody else butting in. So why bother with marriage? It can’t just be an easy way round having to buy your own deodorant. Guardian columnist Tim Dowling is a husband of some twenty years. His marriage is resounding proof that even the most impossible partnership can work out for the best. Some of the time. So while this book is called ‘How To be a Husband’, it’s not really a how-to guide at all. Nor is it a compendium of petty remarks and brinkmanship – although it contains plenty of both. You may pick up a few DIY hints. You might learn that while marriage is founded on love, it endures through bloody hard work. Most likely it will make you whimper with the laughter of painful recognition. ‘How To be a Husband’ is a cautionary tale about throwing caution to the wind. It’s the strange romance of two people consenting to share a roll-on. It’s a new manifesto for marriage and an answer to why, even when we suck at it, we stick at it.

Title Page





1. The Beginning

2. Are You Compatible?

3. Getting Married: Why Would You?

4. How To Be Wrong

5. Am I Relevant?

6. DIY: Man’s Estate, Even Now

7. Extended Family

8. The Forty Precepts of Gross Marital Happiness

9. Bringing Home the Bacon

10. A Very Short Chapter About Sex

11. The Pros and Cons of Procreation

12. Alpha Male, Omega Man

13. Coming To Grief

14. Staying Together – For Better and Worse

15. Do I Need a Hobby?

16. Fatherhood for Morons

17. Keeping the Magic Alive

18. Head of Security

19. Misandry – There’s Such a Word, But Is There Such a Thing?

20. Subject To Change



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